vim-addon-manager-getting-started.txt Declarative package manager for VimLINK


CONTENTS VAM-contents-getting-startedLINK


1. Intro VAM-intro

2. Installation & installing plugins VAM-installation

2.2. Names of addons and addon sources VAM-addon-names

2.3. Example: configurable setup VAM-complex-setup-sample

2.4. Unattended installation VAM-unattended-installation

2.5. Searching the plugins VAM-plugins-search

In vim-addon-manager-additional-documentation.txt:

3. Functionality provided VAM-functionality

3.1. Commands VAM-commands

3.2. Functions VAM-functions

4. Options VAM-options

6. Uninstalling plugins VAM-uninstall-plugins

7. Addon-info file VAM-addon-info

8. Author, credits, some notes VAM-related

9. Testing this plugin VAM-testing

10. Some notes for windows users VAM-windows

11. Some notes for Gentoo users VAM-gentoo

12. Troubleshooting and known bugs VAM-trouble-shooting

12.1. Common error messages VAM-common-errors

13. TODO notes VAM-TODO

14. VAM vs ... VAM-comparison

15. Tracking down errors VAM-tracking-down-erros

16. Making plugins work with VAM VAM-adjusting-plugins

16.1. The perfect plugin VAM-plugin-guide

17. VAM tricks and hacks VAM-tricks


0. GETTING STARTED & LOOKING FOR HELP - something doesn't work

Getting started fast:

Read: VAM-installation and VAM-addon-names


Join, /join #vim. Ask there. VAM has many users MarcWeber is

hanging around often so ping him or create a github ticket [1] and people will

try to help you. You should skim the docs before asking for help though. Also

see VAM-author.



- two maintainers (ZyX and Marc Weber)

- friendly to users (install addons by name)

- propagates collaborative coding by providing simple dependency managament

improving code sharing

- supports many sources (git, hg, bzr, svn, darcs,

- provides a way to deprecate plugins which are superseded by others

- most plugins can also be loaded at runtime (some problems may [BUG 10])

- some Windows support

- is not too shy telling you that alternatives exist (and which one)

- copes with "subdirectories contain vim runtimepath" cases

- addon bisecting support: Find out which plugin is causing kind of pain to

you (AddonsBisect)


1. Intro VAM-introLINK

VAM is a shortcut for vim-addon-manager. Its vision is: Make it easiest to

install plugin somewhat following the “20% of efforts yields 80% of value”


:h plugin

tells you about the old manual way of installing plugins. VAM helps keeping

~/.vim clean by separating plugins from each other.


- Separate directories for each plugins

- Dependency resolution

- Popular VCS support: plugin supports fetching from Git, Mercurial,

Subversion, Bazaar and Darcs repositories

- maintained pool of addons (vim-pi)

which warns you if you try to install an outdated plugin

(have a look at it online :

- replicate your Vim setup by copying your .vimrc (See SetupVAM)

- load plugins lazily when Vim is already running. Some plugins require

additional tweaks for this to work


- Curl, wget or other program that can output URL contents to stdout (in

order to get http protocol support)

- Git, Mercurial, Subversion, Bazaar and Darcs (if you want to install

plugins from appropriate repositories)

- Either tar, gzip and zip or 7-zip (required for unpacking some addons)

What does "Declarative package manager" mean? The final behaviour of Vim

should be declared once. Your ~/.vimrc and :UpdateAddons should be enough

to cause same Vim behaviour everywhere.

Note: “Addon” here is a synonym for “plugin”: “a related collection of files

enhancing vim functionality”. “Plugin” may also mean “a .vim file inside

a plugin directory” hence using “addon”.


2. Installation VAM-installationLINK

Windows users: skim VAM-windows.

Gentoo users : skim VAM-gentoo which explains how to install VAM system-wide

from the layman overlay.

Rest (linux and everything able to run POSIX shell) users should keep reading


Minimal setup

This is the minimal setup which makes VAM work.

However you may want to use the longer commented version below because it

also fetches VAM so that copying your .vimrc is enough to replicate your


Add to your .vimrc

set runtimepath+=PATH-TO-VAM

call vam#ActivateAddons([.. list of plugin names ..], {'auto_install' : 0})

recommended setup

1) Paste the following to your .vimrc.

2) Read the comments carefully. They help you getting started. Then you can

remove them.

3) Add addon names to the ActivateAddons call, start Vim. That’s all.

commented version

" put this line first in ~/.vimrc

set nocompatible | filetype indent plugin on | syn on

fun! EnsureVamIsOnDisk(plugin_root_dir)

" windows users may want to use

" to fetch VAM, VAM-known-repositories and the listed plugins

" without having to install curl, 7-zip and git tools first

" -> BUG [4] (git-less installation)

let vam_autoload_dir = a:plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager/autoload'

if isdirectory(vam_autoload_dir)

return 1


if 1 == confirm("Clone VAM into ".a:plugin_root_dir."?","&Y\n&N")

" I'm sorry having to add this reminder. Eventually it'll pay off.

call confirm("Remind yourself that most plugins ship with ".

\"documentation (README*, doc/*.txt). It is your ".

\"first source of knowledge. If you can't find ".

\"the info you're looking for in reasonable ".

\"time ask maintainers to improve documentation")

call mkdir(a:plugin_root_dir, 'p')

execute '!git clone --depth=1 git:// '.

\ shellescape(a:plugin_root_dir, 1).'/vim-addon-manager'

" VAM runs helptags automatically when you install or update

" plugins

exec 'helptags '.fnameescape(a:plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager/doc')


return isdirectory(vam_autoload_dir)



fun! SetupVAM()

" Set advanced options like this:

" let g:vim_addon_manager = {}

" let g:vim_addon_manager.key = value

" Pipe all output into a buffer which gets written to disk

" let g:vim_addon_manager.log_to_buf =1

" Example: drop git sources unless git is in PATH. Same plugins can

" be installed from Lookup MergeSources to get more control

" let g:vim_addon_manager.drop_git_sources = !executable('git')

" let g:vim_addon_manager.debug_activation = 1

" VAM install location:

let c = get(g:, 'vim_addon_manager', {})

let g:vim_addon_manager = c

let c.plugin_root_dir = expand('$HOME/.vim/vim-addons', 1)

if !EnsureVamIsOnDisk(c.plugin_root_dir)

echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "No VAM found!" | echohl NONE



let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?'':',').c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager'

" Tell VAM which plugins to fetch & load:

call vam#ActivateAddons([], {'auto_install' : 0})

" sample: call vam#ActivateAddons(['pluginA','pluginB', ...], {'auto_install' : 0})

" Also See "plugins-per-line" below

" Addons are put into plugin_root_dir/plugin-name directory

" unless those directories exist. Then they are activated.

" Activating means adding addon dirs to rtp and do some additional

" magic

" How to find addon names?

" - look up source from pool

" - (<c-x><c-p> complete plugin names):

" You can use name rewritings to point to sources:

" ..ActivateAddons(["github:foo", .. => github://foo/vim-addon-foo

" ..ActivateAddons(["github:user/repo", .. => github://user/repo

" Also see section "2.2. names of addons and addon sources" in VAM's documentation


call SetupVAM()

" experimental [E1]: load plugins lazily depending on filetype, See


" experimental [E2]: run after gui has been started (gvim) [3]

" option1: au VimEnter * call SetupVAM()

" option2: au GUIEnter * call SetupVAM()

" See BUGS sections below [*]

" Vim 7.0 users see BUGS section [3]

minimal version

" put this line first in ~/.vimrc

set nocompatible | filetype indent plugin on | syn on

fun SetupVAM()

let c = get(g:, 'vim_addon_manager', {})

let g:vim_addon_manager = c

let c.plugin_root_dir = expand('$HOME', 1) . '/.vim/vim-addons'

let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?'':',').c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager'

" let g:vim_addon_manager = { your config here see "commented version" example and help

if !isdirectory(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager/autoload')

execute '!git clone --depth=1 git:// '

\ shellescape(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager', 1)


call vam#ActivateAddons([the plugin names], {'auto_install' : 0})

" Also See "plugins-per-line" below


call SetupVAM()


experimental: load plugins lazily depending on filetype [E1]

" on_ft: If Vim knows the filetype

" on_name: If Vim does not know about the filetype (eg if the plugin you

" want to load contains the ftdetect/* support code

let ft_addons = [

\ {'on_ft': '^\%(c\|cpp\)$', 'activate': [ 'plugin-for-c-development' ]},

\ {'on_ft': 'javascript', 'activate': [ 'plugin-for-javascript' ]}

\ {'on_name': '\.scad$', 'activate': [ 'plugin-for-javascript' ]}

\ ]

au FileType * for l in filter(copy(ft_addons), 'has_key(v:val, "on_ft") && '.string(expand('<amatch>')).' =~ v:val.on_ft') | call vam#ActivateAddons(l.activate, {'force_loading_plugins_now':1}) | endfor

au BufNewFile,BufRead * for l in filter(copy(ft_addons), 'has_key(v:val, "on_name") && '.string(expand('<amatch>')).' =~ v:val.on_name') | call vam#ActivateAddons(l.activate, {'force_loading_plugins_now':1}) | endfor

" Vim does not autodetect scad files, thus no filetype event gets

" triggered. BufNewFile and BufRead solve this, but they would not work

" for files without extension such as ".bashrc" which have filetype "sh"

" usually.

Provide feedback about this. If it works we may add it as builtin

Also see this text which was sent to the mailinglist (TODO tidy up)

@skeept There are at least two projects that add extended autoloading support:

[tplugin]( and

[AsNeeded]( They lack support from VAM though (to limit th

number of plugins to be autoloaded), but the former has limited (and currently outdated) support for

addon-info files. Neither will work for my own plugins though (they all use frawor API to define mappings and

commands and, sometimes, autocommands), and (at least in tplugin) I see a bunch of other problems (like not

supported short format for mapping commands, no support for mappings/commands defined in :execute and so on):

it is really not possible to construct such autoloading by statically analyzing plugins without executing them.


call vam#ActivateAddons([])

ActivateAddons pluginA pluginB

ActivateAddons pluginC

bundle emulation

" after SetupVAM() add:

call vam#bundle_emulation#ProvideVundlesBundleCommand({'info': 1})

experimental: setup VAM when GUI has started [E2]

Depending on the option you choose to run ActivateAddons Vim may not be

able to show the questions correctly asking you to install a plugin.

If that's the case (for whatever reason) I recommend installing the plugin

using :InstallAddons or :ActivateAddons before adding it to the list in


If you're annoyed by the message:

"Press enter to continue"

There are at least two solutions you can try:

- press q once and Vim should stop asking

- set VAM-auto_install to 1 (to make VAM stop asking you questions before

installing anything)

, set VAM-shell_commands_run_method to "system" (to make VAM use

system() for running installation commands and thus avoid hit-enter


and set 'nomore' before ActivateAddons call (to avoid more-prompt).

Example how to patch vcs checkout functions (eg if you're behind a proxy

and need to checkout github urls by http://):

let g:vim_addon_manager = {'scms': {'git': {}}}

fun! MyGitCheckout(repository, targetDir)

let a:repository.url = substitute(a:repository.url, '^git://github', 'http://github', '')

return vam#utils#RunShell('git clone --depth=1 $.url $p', a:repository, a:targetDir)


let g:vim_addon_manager.scms.git.clone=['MyGitCheckout']

Another example: replace git_update and show changelog

let g:vim_addon_manager = {'scms': {'git': {}}}

fun! MyGitUpdate(targetDir)

let cd = shellescape

let oldHash = vam#utils#System('git --git-dir=$p/.git rev-list HEAD -1', a:targetDir)

call vam#utils#RunShell('cd $p && git pull', a:targetDir)

let newHash = vam#utils#System('git --git-dir=$p/.git rev-list HEAD -1', a:targetDir)

if oldHash isnot# newHash

silent enew

setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe

call setline(1, a:targetDir)

call append(1, split(system(vam#utils#ShellDSL('cd $; git log $[]..$[]', a:targetDir, oldHash, newHash)), "\n"))


return 0


let g:vim_addon_manager.scms.git.update=['MyGitUpdate']

Startup benchmarking

Some non-precise benchmarking can be done by

vim --startuptime startup.log -c q

. Timings will be printed to startup.log file. You can do it more precisely

by using

vim --cmd 'profile start profile.log' \

--cmd 'profile func *' \

--cmd 'profile file *' \

-c 'profile pause' \

-c 'qa!'

Then it will output full profile information where time consumed by each

line is shown, with a summary of function call times at the end. You can

also get a summary of script file times if you open profile.log and do

let timings=[]

g/^SCRIPT/call add(timings, [getline('.')[len('SCRIPT '):], matchstr(getline(line('.')+1), '^Sourced \zs\d\+')]+map(getline(line('.')+2, line('.')+3), 'matchstr(v:val, ''\d\+\.\d\+$'')'))

call setline('.', ['count total (s) self (s) script']+map(copy(timings), 'printf("%5u %9s %8s %s", v:val[1], v:val[2], v:val[3], v:val[0])'))

. You can also get times of scripts activation if you run

tlib#cmd#Time('call vam#ActivateAddons(["A"])')

for plugins which were not already activated after vim has started.

Requires tlib. Adds time which takes VAM to do activation to actual

activation. For filetype, indent, syntax, compiler, colorscheme and

autoload plugins time spend in VAM is likely to exceed time used to load

plugin (because actual loading will take place later if required), so it is

better to read profiling instead.


2.2. Names of addons and addon sources VAM-addon-namesLINK

Because we are human VAM uses readable names as unique identifier for plugins.

Those identifieres (= plugin names) are passed to vam#ActivateAddons(),

:InstallAddons, :ActivateAddons . The name is automatically derived from

plugin titles at In case two titles resolve to identical names

“%{scriptID}” string is appended (e.g. “gam%2559”).

types of names:

1) Plugin name looked up in pool.

Determining addon names

- by using :AddonsInfo SCRIPT_ID/name/any-texet, pick the word right

after string "Plugin: ".

- Use :InstallAddons' name completion by typing some chars then pressing

<C-d> then <Tab>. c_CTRL-D

- Use <C-x><C-p> completion while editing your vimrc.

See VAM-addon-completion_lhs if you don’t like the lhs or the whole


2) Name which gets rewritten internally (see VAM-name_rewriting)

github:{Name} => {"type": "git", "url": "git://{Name}/vim-addon-{Name}}

github:{N}/{Repo} => {"type": "git", "url": "git://{N}/{Repo}"}

git:{GIT_URL} => {"type": "git", "url": "GIT_URL"}

Don't use if you expect others to create plugins depending on yours. Add

your plugin to vim-pi instead.

Instead of telling us to add your plugin to vim-pi you can also patch

the pool easily: VAM-kr-patching - however if you contribute to VAM-kr

the community will benefit much more.

vim-pi is the default pool. VAM checks it out by default. Its long name is LINK

“vim plugin index”.


vim-pi merges both sources (scm and ones), see VAM-MergeSources.

The result is provided by vam_known_repositories#Pool() which is the only pool

used by default. See example and default implementation of vam#install#Pool().

If you want to add your own sources consider submitting them to

vim-pi as patch. If you don't there are two ways:

WAY 1: (still supported) add to your .vimrc before activating VAM (BUG/TODO [5]):

let g:vim_addon_manager = {}

let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources = {}

let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources.your_plugin_name = { plugin dictionary }

WAY 2: define your own Pool function:

let g:vim_addon_manager = {}

let g:vim_addon_manager.pool_fun = function('MyPoolFun')

fun MyPoolFun()

let d = vam#install#Pool()

let d.my_plugin = { 'type' : 'git', 'url' : ' ... ' }

return d


Plugin dictionaries are described in addon-info-repository.

Example: overwriting the MergeSources function (vim-pi pool implementation):

Yes, you can do this in MyPoolFun shown above as well

fun! MyMergeSources(plugin_sources, www_vim_org, scm_plugin_sources, patch_function, snr_to_name)

" run default:

call vam_known_repositories#MergeSources(a:plugin_sources, a:www_vim_org, a:scm_plugin_sources, a:patch_function, a:snr_to_name)

" patch sources the way you like. This example adds username and password

" for SVN repositories. As alternative you could overwrite git urls etc ..

for your_plugin in ['svn-driven-key1', ...]

let a:plugin_sources[your_plugin]['username'] = 'svn user'

let a:plugin_sources[your_plugin]['password'] = 'svn user'


let a:plugin_sources.your_plugin_name = { plugin dictionary }


" tell VAM to use your MergeSources function:

let g:vim_addon_manager = {}

let g:vim_addon_manager.MergeSources = function('MyMergeSources')


2.3. Example: configurable setup VAM-complex-setup-sampleLINK

call vam#ActivateAddons(["github:YOURNAME"],{'auto_install' : 0})

" this initializes Vim the way *you* want also loading more plugins:LINK

call vim_addon_YOURNAME#Activate(['c-dev','ruby-dev'])

My implementation looks like this:

You can then load plugins depending on env vars:


call vim_addon_YOURNAME#Activate(['always']+split($V,','))

Then you can run vim like this from shell

V=c-dev,ruby-dev vim

This section was written to inspire you only.


2.4. Unattended installation VAM-unattended-installationLINK

Note: You should always review foreign code before running it. That said this

is how you can update or install unattended (without confirmations ..):

redir! > /tmp/log-vim.txt

silent! ACTION


where ACTION is either UpdateActivatedAddons or vam#InstallAddons()

This works for

There is also the undocumented g:vim_addon_manager.dont_source option which

should be used if you want to checkout eventually untrusted code! If you're

going to use the plugins anyway its of no use.

You may also want to set auto_install.

Also see

let g:vim_addon_manager = {

\'shell_commands_run_method': 'system',

\'auto_install': 1,


and possibly log_to_buf which will prevent you from having to deal with most

of those "hit enter to continue" prompts while VAM downloads plugins

Also see

let g:vim_addon_manager = {

\'shell_commands_run_method': 'system',

\'auto_install': 1,

\'log_to_buf': 1,


and if you wish, you may customize the default buffer name for the VAM log,

just use the log_buffer_name option which defaults to a value of

VAM-plugin_root_dir/VAM_LOG.txt e.g.


let g:vim_addon_manager = {

\'shell_commands_run_method': 'system',

\'auto_install': 1,

\'log_to_buf': 1,

\'log_buffer_name': '/tmp/vam_install.log',



2.5. Searching the plugins VAM-plugins-searchLINK

VAM does not support searching plugins; you have to use one of the other

options. Common ones:

1. use because still most plugins are also on

2. Try google and github search (this time including "vim" as keyword) because

most plugins are hosted on github today.

3. There is Use its search.

4. Of course, there are google/bing/(any other web) search.

5. There are mailinglists.

VAM does not support a search …

- Because we still want you to visit vim's website (its a charity project

after all).

- Because we like the linux philosophy: One tool should do one task well and

be responsible for that only. VAM is only responsible for isntaling and

activating plugins thus for recreating your work environment form scratch.

Thus this should be a "plugin" providing such a feature, not VAM.

- It is not that easy. If you want to work on it get in touch, because there

are multiple sources today unfortunately. Of course we could just dump the

information from and allow you to grep it. I just think the

whole plugin system on should be rewritten allowing github urls.

I haven't had time to do it yet. I've been trying to do it for more than 12

month and failed due to lack of time. If you want to sponsor such an effort

get in touch.

vim: tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl