pi_getscript.txt For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2013 Nov 29LINK


Authors: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamilyA.Mbiz>

(remove NOSPAM from the email address)


Copyright: (c) 2004-2012 by Charles E. Campbell glvs-copyrightLINK

The VIM LICENSE (see copyright) applies to the files in this

package, including getscriptPlugin.vim, getscript.vim,

GetLatestVimScripts.dist, and pi_getscript.txt, except use "getscript"

instead of "VIM". Like anything else that's free, getscript and its

associated files are provided *as is* and comes with no warranty of

any kind, either expressed or implied. No guarantees of

merchantability. No guarantees of suitability for any purpose. By

using this plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright

holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this

software. Use at your own risk!

Getscript is a plugin that simplifies retrieval of the latest versions of the

scripts that you yourself use! Typing :GLVS will invoke getscript; it will

then use the <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> (see GetLatestVimScripts_dat) file to

get the latest versions of scripts listed therein from http://vim.sf.net/.


1. Contents glvs-contents glvs getscriptLINK


1. Contents........................................: glvs-contents

2. GetLatestVimScripts -- Getting Started..........: glvs-install

3. GetLatestVimScripts Usage.......................: glvs-usage

4. GetLatestVimScripts Data File...................: glvs-data

5. GetLatestVimScripts Friendly Plugins............: glvs-plugins

6. GetLatestVimScripts AutoInstall.................: glvs-autoinstall

7. GetLatestViMScripts Options.....................: glvs-options

8. GetLatestVimScripts Algorithm...................: glvs-alg

9. GetLatestVimScripts History.....................: glvs-hist


2. GetLatestVimScripts -- Getting Started getscript-startLINK



Vim 7.0 does not include the GetLatestVimScripts.dist file which

serves as an example and a template. So, you'll need to create

your own! See GetLatestVimScripts_dat.


NOTE: The last step, that of renaming/moving the GetLatestVimScripts.dist

file, is for those who have just downloaded GetLatestVimScripts.tar.bz2 for

the first time.

The GetLatestVimScripts.dist file serves as an example and a template for your

own personal list. Feel free to remove all the scripts mentioned within it;

the "important" part of it is the first two lines.

Your computer needs to have wget or curl for GetLatestVimScripts to do its work.

1. if compressed: gunzip getscript.vba.gz

2. Unix:

vim getscript.vba

:so %


cd ~/.vim/GetLatest

mv GetLatestVimScripts.dist GetLatestVimScripts.dat

(edit GetLatestVimScripts.dat to install your own personal

list of desired plugins -- see GetLatestVimScripts_dat)

3. Windows:

vim getscript.vba

:so %


cd **path-to-vimfiles**/GetLatest

mv GetLatestVimScripts.dist GetLatestVimScripts.dat

(edit GetLatestVimScripts.dat to install your own personal

list of desired plugins -- see GetLatestVimScripts_dat)


3. GetLatestVimScripts Usage glvs-usage :GLVSLINK

Unless it has been defined elsewhere,


will invoke GetLatestVimScripts(). If some other plugin has defined that

command, then you may type


The script will attempt to update and, if permitted, will automatically

install scripts from http://vim.sourceforge.net/. To do so it will peruse a


.vim/GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat (unix)


..wherever..\vimfiles\GetLatest\GetLatestVimScripts.dat (windows)

(see glvs-data), and examine plugins in your [.vim|vimfiles]/plugin

directory (see glvs-plugins).

Scripts which have been downloaded will appear in the

~/.vim/GetLatest (unix) or ..wherever..\vimfiles\GetLatest (windows)

subdirectory. GetLatestVimScripts will attempt to automatically

install them if you have the following line in your <.vimrc>:

let g:GetLatestVimScripts_allowautoinstall=1

The <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file will be automatically be updated to

reflect the latest version of script(s) so downloaded.

(also see glvs-options)


4. GetLatestVimScripts Data File getscript-data glvs-dataLINK


The data file <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> must have for its first two lines

the following text:

ScriptID SourceID Filename


Following those two lines are three columns; the first two are numeric

followed by a text column. The GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dist file

contains an example of such a data file. Anything following a #... is

ignored, so you may embed comments in the file.

The first number on each line gives the script's ScriptID. When you're about

to use a web browser to look at scripts on http://vim.sf.net/, just before you

click on the script's link, you'll see a line resembling


The "40" happens to be a ScriptID that GetLatestVimScripts needs to

download the associated page, and is assigned by vim.sf.net itself

during initial uploading of the plugin.

The second number on each line gives the script's SourceID. The SourceID

records the count of uploaded scripts as determined by vim.sf.net; hence it

serves to indicate "when" a script was uploaded. Setting the SourceID to 1

insures that GetLatestVimScripts will assume that the script it has is


The SourceID is extracted by GetLatestVimScripts from the script's page on

vim.sf.net; whenever it is greater than the one stored in the

GetLatestVimScripts.dat file, the script will be downloaded

(see GetLatestVimScripts_dat).

If your script's author has included a special comment line in his/her plugin,

the plugin itself will be used by GetLatestVimScripts to build your

<GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file, including any dependencies on other scripts it

may have. As an example, consider:

" GetLatestVimScripts: 884 1 :AutoInstall: AutoAlign.vim

This comment line tells getscript.vim to check vimscript #884 and that the

script is automatically installable. Getscript will also use this line to

help build the GetLatestVimScripts.dat file, by including a line such as:

884 1 :AutoInstall: AutoAlign.vim

assuming that such a line isn't already in GetLatestVimScripts.dat file.

See glvs-plugins for more. Thus, GetLatestVimScripts thus provides a

comprehensive ability to keep your plugins up-to-date!

In summary:

* Optionally tell getscript that it is allowed to build/append a

GetLatestVimScripts.dat file based upon already installed plugins:

let g:GetLatestVimScripts_allowautoinstall=1

* A line such as

" GetLatestVimScripts: 884 1 :AutoInstall: AutoAlign.vim

in an already-downloaded plugin constitutes the concurrence of the

plugin author that getscript may do AutoInstall. Not all plugins

may be AutoInstall-able, and the plugin's author is best situated

to know whether or not his/her plugin will AutoInstall properly.

* A line such as

884 1 :AutoInstall: AutoAlign.vim

in your GetLatestVimScripts.dat file constitutes your permission

to getscript to do AutoInstall. AutoInstall requires both your

and the plugin author's permission. See GetLatestVimScripts_dat.


As an example of a <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file:

ScriptID SourceID Filename


294 1 :AutoInstall: Align.vim

120 2 Decho.vim

40 3 DrawIt.tar.gz

451 4 EasyAccents.vim

195 5 engspchk.vim

642 6 GetLatestVimScripts.vim

489 7 Manpageview.vim

Note: the first two lines are required, but essentially act as comments.


5. GetLatestVimScripts Friendly Plugins getscript-plugins glvs-pluginsLINK

(this section is for plugin authors)

If a plugin author includes the following comment anywhere in their plugin,

GetLatestVimScripts will find it and use it to automatically build the user's

GetLatestVimScripts.dat files:



" GetLatestVimScripts: ### ### yourscriptname



As an author, you should include such a line in to refer to your own script

plus any additional lines describing any plugin dependencies it may have.

Same format, of course!

If your command is auto-installable (see glvs-autoinstall), and most scripts

are, then you may include :AutoInstall: just before "yourscriptname":



" GetLatestVimScripts: ### ### :AutoInstall: yourscriptname



NOTE: The :AutoInstall: feature requires both the plugin author's and

the user's permission to operate!

GetLatestVimScripts commands for those scripts are then appended, if not

already present, to the user's GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat file. It is

a relatively painless way to automate the acquisition of any scripts your

plugins depend upon.

Now, as an author, you probably don't want GetLatestVimScripts to download

your own scripts atop your own copy, thereby overwriting your not-yet-released

hard work. GetLatestVimScripts provides a solution for this: put

0 0 yourscriptname

into your <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file and GetLatestVimScripts will skip

examining the "yourscriptname" scripts for those GetLatestVimScripts comment

lines. As a result, those lines won't be inadvertently installed into your

<GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file and subsequently used to download your own

scripts. This is especially important to do if you've included the

:AutoInstall: option.

Be certain to use the same "yourscriptname" in the "0 0 yourscriptname" line

as you've used in your GetLatestVimScripts comment!


6. GetLatestVimScripts AutoInstall getscript-autoinstallLINK


GetLatestVimScripts now supports "AutoInstall". Not all scripts are

supportive of auto-install, as they may have special things you need to do to

install them (please refer to the script's "install" directions). On the

other hand, most scripts will be auto-installable.

To let GetLatestVimScripts do an autoinstall, the data file's comment field

should begin with (surrounding blanks are ignored):


Both colons are needed, and it should begin the comment (yourscriptname)


One may prevent any autoinstalling by putting the following line in your


let g:GetLatestVimScripts_allowautoinstall= 0

With :AutoInstall: enabled, as it is by default, files which end with

---.tar.bz2 : decompressed & untarred in .vim/ directory

---.vba.bz2 : decompressed in .vim/ directory, then vimball handles it

---.vim.bz2 : decompressed & moved into .vim/plugin directory

---.tar.gz : decompressed & untarred in .vim/ directory

---.vba.gz : decompressed in .vim/ directory, then vimball handles it

---.vim.gz : decompressed & moved into .vim/plugin directory

---.vba : unzipped in .vim/ directory

---.vim : moved to .vim/plugin directory

---.zip : unzipped in .vim/ directory

and which merely need to have their components placed by the untar/gunzip or

move-to-plugin-directory process should be auto-installable. Vimballs, of

course, should always be auto-installable.

When is a script not auto-installable? Let me give an example:


The <blockhl.vim> script provides block highlighting for C/C++ programs; it is

available at:


Currently, vim's after/syntax only supports by-filetype scripts (in

blockhl.vim's case, that's after/syntax/c.vim). Hence, auto-install would

possibly overwrite the current user's after/syntax/c.vim file.

In my own case, I use <aftersyntax.vim> (renamed to after/syntax/c.vim) to

allow a after/syntax/c/ directory:


The script allows multiple syntax files to exist separately in the

after/syntax/c subdirectory. I can't bundle aftersyntax.vim in and build an

appropriate tarball for auto-install because of the potential for the

after/syntax/c.vim contained in it to overwrite a user's c.vim.


7. GetLatestVimScripts Options glvs-optionsLINK


default= "wget"

This variable holds the name of the command for obtaining



default= "-q -O"

This variable holds the options to be used with the

g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget command.


default= 1

This variable indicates whether GetLatestVimScripts is allowed

to attempt to automatically install scripts. Furthermore, the

plugin author has to have explicitly indicated that his/her

plugin is automatically installable (via the :AutoInstall:

keyword in the GetLatestVimScripts comment line).


default= $HOME/.vim (linux)

default= $HOME/vimfiles (windows)

Override where :AutoInstall: scripts will be installed.

Doesn't override vimball installation.



Override this if your system needs

... ='http://vim.sourceforge.net/script/script.php?script_id='


8. GetLatestVimScripts Algorithm glvs-algorithm glvs-algLINK

The Vim sourceforge page dynamically creates a page by keying off of the

so-called script-id. Within the webpage of


is a line specifying the latest source-id (src_id). The source identifier

numbers are always increasing, hence if the src_id is greater than the one

recorded for the script in GetLatestVimScripts then it's time to download a

newer copy of that script.

GetLatestVimScripts will then download the script and update its internal

database of script ids, source ids, and scriptnames.

The AutoInstall process will:

Move the file from GetLatest/ to the following directory

Unix : $HOME/.vim

Windows: $HOME\vimfiles

if the downloaded file ends with ".bz2"

bunzip2 it

else if the downloaded file ends with ".gz"

gunzip it

if the resulting file ends with ".zip"

unzip it

else if the resulting file ends with ".tar"

tar -oxvf it

else if the resulting file ends with ".vim"

move it to the plugin subdirectory


+-- 97 строк: 9. GetLatestVimScripts History *getscript-history* *glvs-hist* ---