indent.txt For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 Dec 06LINK


This file is about indenting C programs and other files.

1. Indenting C style programs C-indenting

2. Indenting by expression indent-expression


1. Indenting C style programs C-indentingLINK

The basics for C style indenting are explained in section 30.2 of the user


Vim has options for automatically indenting C style program files. Many

programming languages including Java and C++ follow very closely the

formatting conventions established with C. These options affect only the

indent and do not perform other formatting. There are additional options that

affect other kinds of formatting as well as indenting, see format-comments,

fo-table, gq and formatting for the main ones.

Note that this will not work when the +smartindent or +cindent features

have been disabled at compile time.

There are in fact four main methods available for indentation, each one

overrides the previous if it is enabled, or non-empty for 'indentexpr':

'autoindent' uses the indent from the previous line.

'smartindent' is like 'autoindent' but also recognizes some C syntax to

increase/reduce the indent where appropriate.

'cindent' Works more cleverly than the other two and is configurable to

different indenting styles.

'indentexpr' The most flexible of all: Evaluates an expression to compute

the indent of a line. When non-empty this method overrides

the other ones. See indent-expression.

The rest of this section describes the 'cindent' option.

Note that 'cindent' indenting does not work for every code scenario. Vim

is not a C compiler: it does not recognize all syntax. One requirement is

that toplevel functions have a '{' in the first column. Otherwise they are

easily confused with declarations.

These four options control C program indenting:

'cindent' Enables Vim to perform C program indenting automatically.

'cinkeys' Specifies which keys trigger reindenting in insert mode.

'cinoptions' Sets your preferred indent style.

'cinwords' Defines keywords that start an extra indent in the next line.

If 'lisp' is not on and 'equalprg' is empty, the "=" operator indents using

Vim's built-in algorithm rather than calling an external program.

See autocommand for how to set the 'cindent' option automatically for C code

files and reset it for others.

cinkeys-format indentkeys-formatLINK

The 'cinkeys' option is a string that controls Vim's indenting in response to

typing certain characters or commands in certain contexts. Note that this not

only triggers C-indenting. When 'indentexpr' is not empty 'indentkeys' is

used instead. The format of 'cinkeys' and 'indentkeys' is equal.

The default is "0{,0},0),:,0#,!^F,o,O,e" which specifies that indenting occurs

as follows:

"0{" if you type '{' as the first character in a line

"0}" if you type '}' as the first character in a line

"0)" if you type ')' as the first character in a line

":" if you type ':' after a label or case statement

"0#" if you type '#' as the first character in a line

"!^F" if you type CTRL-F (which is not inserted)

"o" if you type a <CR> anywhere or use the "o" command (not in

insert mode!)

"O" if you use the "O" command (not in insert mode!)

"e" if you type the second 'e' for an "else" at the start of a


Characters that can precede each key: i_CTRL-FLINK

! When a '!' precedes the key, Vim will not insert the key but will

instead reindent the current line. This allows you to define a

command key for reindenting the current line. CTRL-F is the default

key for this. Be careful if you define CTRL-I for this because CTRL-I

is the ASCII code for <Tab>.

* When a '*' precedes the key, Vim will reindent the line before

inserting the key. If 'cinkeys' contains "*<Return>", Vim reindents

the current line before opening a new line.

0 When a zero precedes the key (but appears after '!' or '*') Vim will

reindent the line only if the key is the first character you type in

the line. When used before "=" Vim will only reindent the line if

there is only white space before the word.

When neither '!' nor '*' precedes the key, Vim reindents the line after you

type the key. So ';' sets the indentation of a line which includes the ';'.

Special key names:

<> Angle brackets mean spelled-out names of keys. For example: "<Up>",

"<Ins>" (see key-notation).

^ Letters preceded by a caret (^) are control characters. For example:

"^F" is CTRL-F.

o Reindent a line when you use the "o" command or when Vim opens a new

line below the current one (e.g., when you type <Enter> in insert


O Reindent a line when you use the "O" command.

e Reindent a line that starts with "else" when you type the second 'e'.

: Reindent a line when a ':' is typed which is after a label or case

statement. Don't reindent for a ":" in "class::method" for C++. To

Reindent for any ":", use "<:>".

=word Reindent when typing the last character of "word". "word" may

actually be part of another word. Thus "=end" would cause reindenting

when typing the "d" in "endif" or "endwhile". But not when typing

"bend". Also reindent when completion produces a word that starts

with "word". "0=word" reindents when there is only white space before

the word.

=~word Like =word, but ignore case.

If you really want to reindent when you type 'o', 'O', 'e', '0', '<', '>',

'*', ':' or '!', use "<o>", "<O>", "<e>", "<0>", "<<>", "<>>", "<*>", "<:>" or

"<!>", respectively, for those keys.

For an emacs-style indent mode where lines aren't indented every time you

press <Enter> but only if you press <Tab>, I suggest:

:set cinkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!<Tab>,!^F

You might also want to switch off 'autoindent' then.

Note: If you change the current line's indentation manually, Vim ignores the

cindent settings for that line. This prevents vim from reindenting after you

have changed the indent by typing <BS>, <Tab>, or <Space> in the indent or

used CTRL-T or CTRL-D.


The 'cinoptions' option sets how Vim performs indentation. The value after

the option character can be one of these (N is any number):

N indent N spaces

-N indent N spaces to the left

Ns N times 'shiftwidth' spaces

-Ns N times 'shiftwidth' spaces to the left

In the list below,

"N" represents a number of your choice (the number can be negative). When

there is an 's' after the number, Vim multiplies the number by 'shiftwidth':

"1s" is 'shiftwidth', "2s" is two times 'shiftwidth', etc. You can use a

decimal point, too: "-0.5s" is minus half a 'shiftwidth'.

The examples below assume a 'shiftwidth' of 4.


>N Amount added for "normal" indent. Used after a line that should

increase the indent (lines starting with "if", an opening brace,

etc.). (default 'shiftwidth').

cino= cino=>2 cino=>2s

if (cond) if (cond) if (cond)

{ { {

foo; foo; foo;

} } }


eN Add N to the prevailing indent inside a set of braces if the

opening brace at the End of the line (more precise: is not the

first character in a line). This is useful if you want a

different indent when the '{' is at the start of the line from

when '{' is at the end of the line. (default 0).

cino= cino=e2 cino=e-2

if (cond) { if (cond) { if (cond) {

foo; foo; foo;

} } }

else else else

{ { {

bar; bar; bar;

} } }


nN Add N to the prevailing indent for a statement after an "if",

"while", etc., if it is NOT inside a set of braces. This is

useful if you want a different indent when there is no '{'

before the statement from when there is a '{' before it.

(default 0).

cino= cino=n2 cino=n-2

if (cond) if (cond) if (cond)

foo; foo; foo;

else else else

{ { {

bar; bar; bar;

} } }


fN Place the first opening brace of a function or other block in

column N. This applies only for an opening brace that is not

inside other braces and is at the start of the line. What comes

after the brace is put relative to this brace. (default 0).

cino= cino=f.5s cino=f1s

func() func() func()

{ { {

int foo; int foo; int foo;


{N Place opening braces N characters from the prevailing indent.

This applies only for opening braces that are inside other

braces. (default 0).

cino= cino={.5s cino={1s

if (cond) if (cond) if (cond)

{ { {

foo; foo; foo;


}N Place closing braces N characters from the matching opening

brace. (default 0).

cino= cino={2,}-0.5s cino=}2

if (cond) if (cond) if (cond)

{ { {

foo; foo; foo;

} } }


^N Add N to the prevailing indent inside a set of braces if the

opening brace is in column 0. This can specify a different

indent for whole of a function (some may like to set it to a

negative number). (default 0).

cino= cino=^-2 cino=^-s

func() func() func()

{ { {

if (cond) if (cond) if (cond)

{ { {

a = b; a = b; a = b;

} } }

} } }


LN Controls placement of jump labels. If N is negative, the label

will be placed at column 1. If N is non-negative, the indent of

the label will be the prevailing indent minus N. (default -1).

cino= cino=L2 cino=Ls

func() func() func()

{ { {

{ { {

stmt; stmt; stmt;


} } }

} } }


:N Place case labels N characters from the indent of the switch().

(default 'shiftwidth').

cino= cino=:0

switch (x) switch(x)

{ {

case 1: case 1:

a = b; a = b;

default: default:

} }


=N Place statements occurring after a case label N characters from

the indent of the label. (default 'shiftwidth').

cino= cino==10

case 11: case 11: a = a + 1;

a = a + 1; b = b + 1;


lN If N != 0 Vim will align with a case label instead of the

statement after it in the same line.

cino= cino=l1

switch (a) { switch (a) {

case 1: { case 1: {

break; break;

} }


bN If N != 0 Vim will align a final "break" with the case label,

so that case..break looks like a sort of block. (default: 0).

When using 1, consider adding "0=break" to 'cinkeys'.

cino= cino=b1

switch (x) switch(x)

{ {

case 1: case 1:

a = b; a = b;

break; break;

default: default:

a = 0; a = 0;

break; break;

} }


gN Place C++ scope declarations N characters from the indent of the

block they are in. (default 'shiftwidth'). A scope declaration

can be "public:", "protected:" or "private:".

cino= cino=g0

{ {

public: public:

a = b; a = b;

private: private:

} }


hN Place statements occurring after a C++ scope declaration N

characters from the indent of the label. (default


cino= cino=h10

public: public: a = a + 1;

a = a + 1; b = b + 1;


NN Indent inside C++ namespace N characters extra compared to a

normal block. (default 0).

cino= cino=N-s

namespace { namespace {

void function(); void function();

} }

namespace my namespace my

{ {

void function(); void function();

} }


pN Parameter declarations for K&R-style function declarations will

be indented N characters from the margin. (default


cino= cino=p0 cino=p2s

func(a, b) func(a, b) func(a, b)

int a; int a; int a;

char b; char b; char b;


tN Indent a function return type declaration N characters from the

margin. (default 'shiftwidth').

cino= cino=t0 cino=t7

int int int

func() func() func()


iN Indent C++ base class declarations and constructor

initializations, if they start in a new line (otherwise they

are aligned at the right side of the ':').

(default 'shiftwidth').

cino= cino=i0

class MyClass : class MyClass :

public BaseClass public BaseClass

{} {}

MyClass::MyClass() : MyClass::MyClass() :

BaseClass(3) BaseClass(3)

{} {}


+N Indent a continuation line (a line that spills onto the next)

inside a function N additional characters. (default


Outside of a function, when the previous line ended in a

backslash, the 2 * N is used.

cino= cino=+10

a = b + 9 * a = b + 9 *

c; c;


cN Indent comment lines after the comment opener, when there is no

other text with which to align, N characters from the comment

opener. (default 3). See also format-comments.

cino= cino=c5

/* /*

text. text.

*/ */


CN When N is non-zero, indent comment lines by the amount specified

with the c flag above even if there is other text behind the

comment opener. (default 0).

cino=c0 cino=c0,C1

/******** /********

text. text.

********/ ********/

(Example uses ":set comments& comments-=s1:/* comments^=s0:/*")


/N Indent comment lines N characters extra. (default 0).

cino= cino=/4

a = b; a = b;

/* comment */ /* comment */

c = d; c = d;


(N When in unclosed parentheses, indent N characters from the line

with the unclosed parentheses. Add a 'shiftwidth' for every

unclosed parentheses. When N is 0 or the unclosed parentheses

is the first non-white character in its line, line up with the

next non-white character after the unclosed parentheses.

(default 'shiftwidth' * 2).

cino= cino=(0

if (c1 && (c2 || if (c1 && (c2 ||

c3)) c3))

foo; foo;

if (c1 && if (c1 &&

(c2 || c3)) (c2 || c3))

{ {


uN Same as (N, but for one level deeper. (default 'shiftwidth').

cino= cino=u2

if (c123456789 if (c123456789

&& (c22345 && (c22345

|| c3)) || c3))


UN When N is non-zero, do not ignore the indenting specified by

( or u in case that the unclosed parentheses is the first

non-white character in its line. (default 0).

cino= or cino=(s cino=(s,U1

c = c1 && c = c1 &&

( (

c2 || c2 ||

c3 c3

) && c4; ) && c4;


wN When in unclosed parentheses and N is non-zero and either

using "(0" or "u0", respectively, or using "U0" and the unclosed

parentheses is the first non-white character in its line, line

up with the character immediately after the unclosed parentheses

rather than the first non-white character. (default 0).

cino=(0 cino=(0,w1

if ( c1 if ( c1

&& ( c2 && ( c2

|| c3)) || c3))

foo; foo;


WN When in unclosed parentheses and N is non-zero and either

using "(0" or "u0", respectively and the unclosed parentheses is

the last non-white character in its line and it is not the

closing parentheses, indent the following line N characters

relative to the outer context (i.e. start of the line or the

next unclosed parentheses). (default: 0).

cino=(0 cino=(0,W4

a_long_line( a_long_line(

argument, argument,

argument); argument);

a_short_line(argument, a_short_line(argument,

argument); argument);


kN When in unclosed parentheses which follow "if", "for" or

"while" and N is non-zero, overrides the behaviour defined by

"(N": causes the indent to be N characters relative to the outer

context (i.e. the line where "if", "for" or "while" is). Has

no effect on deeper levels of nesting. Affects flags like "wN"

only for the "if", "for" and "while" conditions. If 0, defaults

to behaviour defined by the "(N" flag. (default: 0).

cino=(0 cino=(0,ks

if (condition1 if (condition1

&& condition2) && condition2)

action(); action();

function(argument1 function(argument1

&& argument2); && argument2);


mN When N is non-zero, line up a line starting with a closing

parentheses with the first character of the line with the

matching opening parentheses. (default 0).

cino=(s cino=(s,m1

c = c1 && ( c = c1 && (

c2 || c2 ||

c3 c3

) && c4; ) && c4;

if ( if (

c1 && c2 c1 && c2

) )

foo; foo;


MN When N is non-zero, line up a line starting with a closing

parentheses with the first character of the previous line.

(default 0).

cino= cino=M1

if (cond1 && if (cond1 &&

cond2 cond2

) )

java-cinoptions java-indenting cino-jLINK

jN Indent Java anonymous classes correctly. Also works well for

Javascript. The value 'N' is currently unused but must be

non-zero (e.g. 'j1'). 'j1' will indent for example the

following code snippet correctly:

object.add(new ChangeListener() {

public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {




javascript-cinoptions javascript-indenting cino-JLINK

JN Indent JavaScript object declarations correctly by not confusing

them with labels. The value 'N' is currently unused but must be

non-zero (e.g. 'J1'). If you enable this you probably also want

to set cino-j.

var bar = {

foo: {

that: this,

some: ok,



a : 2,

b: "123abc",

x: 4,

"y": 5




)N Vim searches for unclosed parentheses at most N lines away.

This limits the time needed to search for parentheses. (default

20 lines).


*N Vim searches for unclosed comments at most N lines away. This

limits the time needed to search for the start of a comment.

If your /* */ comments stop indenting after N lines this is the

value you will want to change.

(default 70 lines).


#N When N is non-zero recognize shell/Perl comments starting with

'#', do not recognize preprocessor lines; allow right-shifting

lines that start with "#".

When N is zero (default): don't recognize '#' comments, do

recognize preprocessor lines; right-shifting lines that start

with "#" does not work.

The defaults, spelled out in full, are:



Vim puts a line in column 1 if:

- It starts with '#' (preprocessor directives), if 'cinkeys' contains '#0'.

- It starts with a label (a keyword followed by ':', other than "case" and

"default") and 'cinoptions' does not contain an 'L' entry with a positive


- Any combination of indentations causes the line to have less than 0



2. Indenting by expression indent-expressionLINK

The basics for using flexible indenting are explained in section 30.3 of the

user manual.

If you want to write your own indent file, it must set the 'indentexpr'

option. Setting the 'indentkeys' option is often useful. See the

$VIMRUNTIME/indent directory for examples.


CLOJURE ft-clojure-indent clojure-indentLINK

Clojure indentation differs somewhat from traditional Lisps, due in part to

the use of square and curly brackets, and otherwise by community convention.

These conventions are not universally followed, so the Clojure indent script

offers a few configurable options, listed below.

If the current vim does not include searchpairpos(), the indent script falls

back to normal 'lisp' indenting, and the following options are ignored.


Set maximum scan distance of searchpairpos(). Larger values trade performance

for correctness when dealing with very long forms. A value of 0 will scan

without limits.

" Default

let g:clojure_maxlines = 100




The 'lispwords' option is a list of comma-separated words that mark special

forms whose subforms must be indented with two spaces.

For example:

(defn bad []

"Incorrect indentation")

(defn good []

"Correct indentation")

If you would like to specify 'lispwords' with a pattern instead, you can use

the fuzzy indent feature:

" Default

let g:clojure_fuzzy_indent = 1

let g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns = ['^with', '^def', '^let']

let g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_blacklist =

\ ['-fn$', '\v^with-%(meta|out-str|loading-context)$']

" Legacy comma-delimited string version; the list format above is

" recommended. Note that patterns are implicitly anchored with ^ and $

let g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns = 'with.*,def.*,let.*'

g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns and g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_blacklist are

Lists of patterns that will be matched against the unquoted, unqualified

symbol at the head of a list. This means that a pattern like "^foo" will match

all these candidates: "foobar", "my.ns/foobar", and "#'foobar".

Each candidate word is tested for special treatment in this order:

1. Return true if word is literally in 'lispwords'

2. Return false if word matches a pattern in


3. Return true if word matches a pattern in


4. Return false and indent normally otherwise


Some forms in Clojure are indented so that every subform is indented only two

spaces, regardless of 'lispwords'. If you have a custom construct that should

be indented in this idiosyncratic fashion, you can add your symbols to the

default list below.

" Default

let g:clojure_special_indent_words =

\ 'deftype,defrecord,reify,proxy,extend-type,extend-protocol,letfn'


Align subsequent lines in multiline strings to the column after the opening

quote, instead of the same column.

For example:

(def default

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do

eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut

enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris

nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.")

(def aligned

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do

eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut

enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris

nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.")

This option is off by default.

" Default

let g:clojure_align_multiline_strings = 0


By default, parenthesized compound forms that look like function calls and

whose head subform is on its own line have subsequent subforms indented by

two spaces relative to the opening paren:




Setting this option changes this behavior so that all subforms are aligned to

the same column, emulating the default behavior of clojure-mode.el:




This option is off by default.

" Default

let g:clojure_align_subforms = 0

FORTRAN ft-fortran-indentLINK

Block if, select case, where, and forall constructs are indented. So are

type, interface, associate, block, and enum constructs. The indenting of

subroutines, functions, modules, and program blocks is optional. Comments,

labelled statements and continuation lines are indented if the Fortran is in

free source form, whereas they are not indented if the Fortran is in fixed

source form because of the left margin requirements. Hence manual indent

corrections will be necessary for labelled statements and continuation lines

when fixed source form is being used. For further discussion of the method

used for the detection of source format see ft-fortran-syntax.

Do loops

All do loops are left unindented by default. Do loops can be unstructured in

Fortran with (possibly multiple) loops ending on a labelled executable

statement of almost arbitrary type. Correct indentation requires

compiler-quality parsing. Old code with do loops ending on labelled statements

of arbitrary type can be indented with elaborate programs such as Tidy

( Structured do/continue loops are

also left unindented because continue statements are also used for purposes

other than ending a do loop. Programs such as Tidy can convert structured

do/continue loops to the do/enddo form. Do loops of the do/enddo variety can

be indented. If you use only structured loops of the do/enddo form, you should

declare this by setting the fortran_do_enddo variable in your .vimrc as


let fortran_do_enddo=1

in which case do loops will be indented. If all your loops are of do/enddo

type only in, say, .f90 files, then you should set a buffer flag with an

autocommand such as

au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.f90 let b:fortran_do_enddo=1

to get do loops indented in .f90 files and left alone in Fortran files with

other extensions such as .for.

Program units

The indenting of program units (subroutines, functions, modules, and program

blocks) is enabled by default but can be suppressed if a lighter, screen-width

preserving indent style is desired. To suppress the indenting of program

units for all fortran files set the global fortran_indent_less variable in

your .vimrc as follows

let fortran_indent_less=1

A finer level of suppression can be achieved by setting the corresponding

buffer-local variable as follows

let b:fortran_indent_less=1

HTML ft-html-indent html-indent html-indentingLINK

This is about variables you can set in your vimrc to customize HTML indenting.

You can set the indent for the first line after <script> and <style>

"blocktags" (default "zero"):

:let g:html_indent_script1 = "inc"

:let g:html_indent_style1 = "inc"


"zero" zero indent

"auto" auto indent (same indent as the blocktag)

"inc" auto indent + one indent step

Many tags increase the indent for what follows per default (see "Add Indent

Tags" in the script). You can add further tags with:

:let g:html_indent_inctags = "html,body,head,tbody"

You can also remove such tags with:

:let g:html_indent_autotags = "th,td,tr,tfoot,thead"

Default value is empty for both variables. Note: the initial "inctags" are

only defined once per Vim session.

User variables are only read when the script is sourced. To enable your

changes during a session, without reloading the HTML file, you can manually


:call HtmlIndent_CheckUserSettings()


Calculation of indent inside "blocktags" with "alien" content:


<script> : {customizable} if first line of block

: cindent(v:lnum) if attributes empty or contain "java"

: -1 else (vbscript, tcl, ...)

<style> : {customizable} if first line of block

: GetCSSIndent() else

<!-- --> : -1

PHP ft-php-indent php-indent php-indentingLINK

NOTE: PHP files will be indented correctly only if PHP syntax is active.

If you are editing a file in Unix 'fileformat' and '\r' characters are present

before new lines, indentation won't proceed correctly ; you have to remove

those useless characters first with a command like:

:%s /\r$//g

Or, you can simply :let the variable PHP_removeCRwhenUnix to 1 and the

script will silently remove them when Vim loads a PHP file (at each BufRead).


PHP indenting can be altered in several ways by modifying the values of some

global variables:

php-comment PHP_autoformatcommentLINK

To not enable auto-formating of comments by default (if you want to use your

own 'formatoptions'):

:let g:PHP_autoformatcomment = 0

Else, 't' will be removed from the 'formatoptions' string and "qrowcb" will be

added, see fo-table for more information.



To add extra indentation to single-line comments:

:let g:PHP_outdentSLComments = N

With N being the number of 'shiftwidth' to add.

Only single-line comments will be affected such as:

# Comment

// Comment

/* Comment */



To add extra indentation to every PHP lines with N being the number of

'shiftwidth' to add:

:let g:PHP_default_indenting = N

For example, with N = 1, this will give:


if (!isset($History_lst_sel))

if (!isset($History_lst_sel))

if (!isset($History_lst_sel)) {


} else


$command_hist = TRUE;


(Notice the extra indentation between the PHP container markers and the code)



To indent PHP escape tags as the surrounding non-PHP code (only affects the

PHP escape tags):

:let g:PHP_outdentphpescape = 0



To automatically remove '\r' characters when the 'fileformat' is set to Unix:

:let g:PHP_removeCRwhenUnix = 1



To indent braces at the same level than the code they contain:

:let g:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel = 1

This will give the following result:

if ($foo)




Instead of:

if ($foo)




NOTE: Indenting will be a bit slower if this option is used because some

optimizations won't be available.



To indent 'case:' and 'default:' statements in switch() blocks:

:let g:PHP_vintage_case_default_indent = 1

In PHP braces are not required inside 'case/default' blocks therefore 'case:'

and 'default:' are indented at the same level than the 'switch()' to avoid

meaningless indentation. You can use the above option to return to the

traditional way.

PYTHON ft-python-indentLINK

The amount of indent can be set for the following situations. The examples

given are the defaults. Note that the variables are set to an expression, so

that you can change the value of 'shiftwidth' later.

Indent after an open paren:

let g:pyindent_open_paren = '&sw * 2'

Indent after a nested paren:

let g:pyindent_nested_paren = '&sw'

Indent for a continuation line:

let g:pyindent_continue = '&sw * 2'

R ft-r-indentLINK

Function arguments are aligned if they span for multiple lines. If you prefer

do not have the arguments of functions aligned, put in your vimrc:

let r_indent_align_args = 0

All lines beginning with a comment character, #, get the same indentation

level of the normal R code. Users of Emacs/ESS may be used to have lines

beginning with a single # indented in the 40th column, ## indented as R code,

and ### not indented. If you prefer that lines beginning with comment

characters are aligned as they are by Emacs/ESS, put in your vimrc:

let r_indent_ess_comments = 1

If you prefer that lines beginning with a single # are aligned at a column

different from the 40th one, you should set a new value to the variable

r_indent_comment_column, as in the example below:

let r_indent_comment_column = 30

Any code after a line that ends with "<-" is indented. Emacs/ESS does not

indent the code if it is a top level function. If you prefer that the

Vim-R-plugin behaves like Emacs/ESS in this regard, put in your vimrc:

let r_indent_ess_compatible = 1

Below is an example of indentation with and without this option enabled:

### r_indent_ess_compatible = 1 ### r_indent_ess_compatible = 0

foo <- foo <-

function(x) function(x)

{ {

paste(x) paste(x)

} }

SHELL ft-sh-indentLINK

The amount of indent applied under various circumstances in a shell file can

be configured by setting the following keys in the Dictionary

b:sh_indent_defaults to a specific amount or to a Funcref that references a

function that will return the amount desired:

b:sh_indent_options['default'] Default amount of indent.


Amount of indent to add to a continued line.


Amount of indent to add for case labels.

(not actually implemented)


Amount of indent to add for case statements.


Amount of indent to add (or more likely

remove) for case breaks.

VERILOG ft-verilog-indentLINK

General block statements such as if, for, case, always, initial, function,

specify and begin, etc., are indented. The module block statements (first

level blocks) are not indented by default. you can turn on the indent with

setting a variable in the .vimrc as follows:

let b:verilog_indent_modules = 1

then the module blocks will be indented. To stop this, remove the variable:

:unlet b:verilog_indent_modules

To set the variable only for Verilog file. The following statements can be


au BufReadPost * if exists("b:current_syntax")

au BufReadPost * if b:current_syntax == "verilog"

au BufReadPost * let b:verilog_indent_modules = 1

au BufReadPost * endif

au BufReadPost * endif

Furthermore, setting the variable b:verilog_indent_width to change the

indenting width (default is 'shiftwidth'):

let b:verilog_indent_width = 4

let b:verilog_indent_width = &sw * 2

In addition, you can turn the verbose mode for debug issue:

let b:verilog_indent_verbose = 1

Make sure to do ":set cmdheight=2" first to allow the display of the message.

VHDL ft-vhdl-indentLINK

Alignment of generic/port mapping statements are performed by default. This

causes the following alignment example:




reset_n : IN STD_LOGIC;

data_input : IN STD_LOGIC;

data_out : OUT STD_LOGIC



To turn this off, add

let g:vhdl_indent_genportmap = 0

to the .vimrc file, which causes the previous alignment example to change:




reset_n : IN STD_LOGIC;

data_input : IN STD_LOGIC;

data_out : OUT STD_LOGIC




Alignment of right-hand side assignment "<=" statements are performed by

default. This causes the following alignment example:

sig_out <= (bus_a(1) AND

(sig_b OR sig_c)) OR

(bus_a(0) AND sig_d);

To turn this off, add

let g:vhdl_indent_rhsassign = 0

to the .vimrc file, which causes the previous alignment example to change:

sig_out <= (bus_a(1) AND

(sig_b OR sig_c)) OR

(bus_a(0) AND sig_d);


Full-line comments (lines that begin with "--") are indented to be aligned with

the very previous line's comment, PROVIDED that a whitespace follows after


For example:

sig_a <= sig_b; -- start of a comment

-- continuation of the comment

-- more of the same comment

While in Insert mode, after typing "-- " (note the space " "), hitting CTRL-F

will align the current "-- " with the previous line's "--".

If the very previous line does not contain "--", THEN the full-line comment

will be aligned with the start of the next non-blank line that is NOT a

full-line comment.

Indenting the following code:

sig_c <= sig_d; -- comment 0

-- comment 1

-- comment 2





-- debug_out(8*i+7 DOWNTO 8*i) <= debug_in(15-i);


--END PROCESS debug_code;

-- comment 3

sig_e <= sig_f; -- comment 4

-- comment 5

results in:

sig_c <= sig_d; -- comment 0

-- comment 1

-- comment 2





-- debug_out(8*i+7 DOWNTO 8*i) <= debug_in(15-i);


--END PROCESS debug_code;

-- comment 3

sig_e <= sig_f; -- comment 4

-- comment 5

Notice that "--debug_code:" does not align with "-- comment 2"

because there is no whitespace that follows after "--" in "--debug_code:".

Given the dynamic nature of indenting comments, indenting should be done TWICE.

On the first pass, code will be indented. On the second pass, full-line

comments will be indented according to the correctly indented code.

VIM ft-vim-indentLINK

For indenting Vim scripts there is one variable that specifies the amount of

indent for a continuation line, a line that starts with a backslash:

:let g:vim_indent_cont = &sw * 3

Three times shiftwidth is the default value.
