help.txt For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2012 Dec 06LINK

VIM - main help file


Move around: Use the cursor keys, or "h" to go left, h l

"j" to go down, "k" to go up, "l" to go right. j

Close this window: Use ":q<Enter>".

Get out of Vim: Use ":qa!<Enter>" (careful, all changes are lost!).

Jump to a subject: Position the cursor on a tag (e.g. bars) and hit CTRL-].

With the mouse: ":set mouse=a" to enable the mouse (in xterm or GUI).

Double-click the left mouse button on a tag, e.g. bars.

Jump back: Type CTRL-T or CTRL-O (repeat to go further back).

Get specific help: It is possible to go directly to whatever you want help

on, by giving an argument to the :help command.

It is possible to further specify the context:



Normal mode command (nothing) :help x

Visual mode command v_ :help v_u

Insert mode command i_ :help i_<Esc>

Command-line command : :help :quit

Command-line editing c_ :help c_<Del>

Vim command argument - :help -r

Option ' :help 'textwidth'

Search for help: Type ":help word", then hit CTRL-D to see matching

help entries for "word".

Or use ":helpgrep word". :helpgrep

VIM stands for Vi IMproved. Most of VIM was made by Bram Moolenaar, but only

through the help of many others. See credits.


doc-file-list Q_ctLINK


quickref Overview of the most common commands you will use

tutor 30 minutes training course for beginners

copying About copyrights

iccf Helping poor children in Uganda

sponsor Sponsor Vim development, become a registered Vim user

www Vim on the World Wide Web

bugs Where to send bug reports

USER MANUAL: These files explain how to accomplish an editing task.

usr_toc.txt Table Of Contents

Getting Started

usr_01.txt About the manuals

usr_02.txt The first steps in Vim

usr_03.txt Moving around

usr_04.txt Making small changes

usr_05.txt Set your settings

usr_06.txt Using syntax highlighting

usr_07.txt Editing more than one file

usr_08.txt Splitting windows

usr_09.txt Using the GUI

usr_10.txt Making big changes

usr_11.txt Recovering from a crash

usr_12.txt Clever tricks

Editing Effectively

usr_20.txt Typing command-line commands quickly

usr_21.txt Go away and come back

usr_22.txt Finding the file to edit

usr_23.txt Editing other files

usr_24.txt Inserting quickly

usr_25.txt Editing formatted text

usr_26.txt Repeating

usr_27.txt Search commands and patterns

usr_28.txt Folding

usr_29.txt Moving through programs

usr_30.txt Editing programs

usr_31.txt Exploiting the GUI

usr_32.txt The undo tree

Tuning Vim

usr_40.txt Make new commands

usr_41.txt Write a Vim script

usr_42.txt Add new menus

usr_43.txt Using filetypes

usr_44.txt Your own syntax highlighted

usr_45.txt Select your language

Making Vim Run

usr_90.txt Installing Vim

REFERENCE MANUAL: These files explain every detail of Vim. reference_tocLINK

General subjects

intro.txt general introduction to Vim; notation used in help files

help.txt overview and quick reference (this file)

helphelp.txt about using the help files

index.txt alphabetical index of all commands

help-tags all the tags you can jump to (index of tags)

howto.txt how to do the most common editing tasks

tips.txt various tips on using Vim

message.txt (error) messages and explanations

quotes.txt remarks from users of Vim

todo.txt known problems and desired extensions

develop.txt development of Vim

debug.txt debugging Vim itself

uganda.txt Vim distribution conditions and what to do with your money

Basic editing

starting.txt starting Vim, Vim command arguments, initialisation

editing.txt editing and writing files

motion.txt commands for moving around

scroll.txt scrolling the text in the window

insert.txt Insert and Replace mode

change.txt deleting and replacing text

indent.txt automatic indenting for C and other languages

undo.txt Undo and Redo

repeat.txt repeating commands, Vim scripts and debugging

visual.txt using the Visual mode (selecting a text area)

various.txt various remaining commands

recover.txt recovering from a crash

Advanced editing

cmdline.txt Command-line editing

options.txt description of all options

pattern.txt regexp patterns and search commands

map.txt key mapping and abbreviations

tagsrch.txt tags and special searches

quickfix.txt commands for a quick edit-compile-fix cycle

windows.txt commands for using multiple windows and buffers

tabpage.txt commands for using multiple tab pages

syntax.txt syntax highlighting

spell.txt spell checking

diff.txt working with two to four versions of the same file

autocmd.txt automatically executing commands on an event

filetype.txt settings done specifically for a type of file

eval.txt expression evaluation, conditional commands

fold.txt hide (fold) ranges of lines

Special issues

print.txt printing

remote.txt using Vim as a server or client

term.txt using different terminals and mice

digraph.txt list of available digraphs

mbyte.txt multi-byte text support

mlang.txt non-English language support

arabic.txt Arabic language support and editing

farsi.txt Farsi (Persian) editing

hebrew.txt Hebrew language support and editing

russian.txt Russian language support and editing

ft_ada.txt Ada (the programming language) support

ft_sql.txt about the SQL filetype plugin

hangulin.txt Hangul (Korean) input mode

rileft.txt right-to-left editing mode


gui.txt Graphical User Interface (GUI)

gui_w16.txt Windows 3.1 GUI

gui_w32.txt Win32 GUI

gui_x11.txt X11 GUI


if_cscop.txt using Cscope with Vim

if_lua.txt Lua interface

if_mzsch.txt MzScheme interface

if_perl.txt Perl interface

if_pyth.txt Python interface

if_sniff.txt SNiFF+ interface

if_tcl.txt Tcl interface

if_ole.txt OLE automation interface for Win32

if_ruby.txt Ruby interface

debugger.txt Interface with a debugger

workshop.txt Sun Visual Workshop interface

netbeans.txt NetBeans External Editor interface

sign.txt debugging signs


vi_diff.txt Main differences between Vim and Vi

version4.txt Differences between Vim version 3.0 and 4.x

version5.txt Differences between Vim version 4.6 and 5.x

version6.txt Differences between Vim version 5.7 and 6.x

version7.txt Differences between Vim version 6.4 and 7.x


Remarks about specific systems

os_390.txt OS/390 Unix

os_amiga.txt Amiga

os_beos.txt BeOS and BeBox

os_dos.txt MS-DOS and MS-Windows NT/95 common items

os_mac.txt Macintosh

os_mint.txt Atari MiNT

os_msdos.txt MS-DOS (plain DOS and DOS box under Windows)

os_os2.txt OS/2

os_qnx.txt QNX

os_risc.txt RISC-OS

os_unix.txt Unix

os_vms.txt VMS

os_win32.txt MS-Windows 95/98/NT


Standard plugins

pi_getscript.txt Downloading latest version of Vim scripts

pi_gzip.txt Reading and writing compressed files

pi_netrw.txt Reading and writing files over a network

pi_paren.txt Highlight matching parens

pi_tar.txt Tar file explorer

pi_vimball.txt Create a self-installing Vim script

pi_zip.txt Zip archive explorer

LOCAL ADDITIONS: local-additionsLINK


bars Bars exampleLINK

Now that you've jumped here with CTRL-] or a double mouse click, you can use

CTRL-T, CTRL-O, g<RightMouse>, or <C-RightMouse> to go back to where you were.

Note that tags are within | characters, but when highlighting is enabled these

characters are hidden. That makes it easier to read a command.

Anyway, you can use CTRL-] on any word, also when it is not within |, and Vim

will try to find help for it. Especially for options in single quotes, e.g.


