vim-addon-manager-additional-documentation.txt Declarative package manager for VimLINK
CONTENTS VAM-contents-additionalLINK
In vim-addon-manager-getting-started.txt:
1. Intro VAM-intro
2. Installation & installing plugins VAM-installation
2.2. Names of addons and addon sources VAM-addon-names
2.3. Example: configurable setup VAM-complex-setup-sample
2.4. unattended installation VAM-unattended-installation
2.5. Searching the plugins VAM-plugins-search
3. Functionality provided VAM-functionality
3.1. Commands VAM-commands
3.2. Functions VAM-functions
4. Options VAM-options
6. Uninstalling plugins VAM-uninstall-plugins
7. Addon-info file VAM-addon-info
8. Author, credits, some notes VAM-related
9. Testing this plugin VAM-testing
10. Some notes for windows users VAM-windows
11. Some notes for Gentoo users VAM-gentoo
12. Troubleshooting and known bugs VAM-trouble-shooting
12.1. Common error messages VAM-common-errors
13. TODO notes VAM-TODO
14. VAM vs ... VAM-comparison
15. Tracking down errors VAM-tracking-down-erros
16. Making plugins work with VAM VAM-adjusting-plugins
16.1. The perfect plugin VAM-plugin-guide
17. VAM tricks and hacks VAM-tricks
3. Functionality provided VAM-functionalityLINK
3.1. Commands VAM-commandsLINK
InstallAddons {name} ... :InstallAddonsLINK
Install addons with given names. See vam#install#Install() for
more details.
You use InstallAddons instead of ActivateAddons if you want to review
plugin source before running it. Also see :RunInstallHooks, it may
be required to complete installation.
RunInstallHooks {name} ... :RunInstallHooksLINK
Run post-install hooks for given plugins. Required if plugin has been
installed using :InstallAddons and has hooks that are needed for it
to work.
ActivateAddons {name} ... :ActivateAddonsLINK
Activate addons with given names. See vam#ActivateAddons() for
more details.
ActivateInstalledAddons {name} ... :ActivateInstalledAddonsLINK
See :ActivateAddons, this command is just the same, but completion
function completes only installed addon names.
UpdateAddons [{name} ...] :UpdateAddonsLINK
Update addons with given names. Without arguments updates all addons.
See vam#install#Update() for more details.
UpdateActivatedAddons :UpdateActivatedAddonsLINK
Like :UpdateAdons with a list of all activated plugins in place of
its arguments.
ListActivatedAddons :ListActivatedAddonsLINK
List all currently activated addons.
UninstallNotLoadedAddons {name} ... :UninstallNotLoadedAddonsLINK
Unistall addons with given names. See
vam#install#UninstallAddons() for more details.
AddonsInfo {id/name/any-regex} ... :AddonsInfoLINK
Shows addon information. Accepts both VAM script names and
script numbers. If neither succeeds the any-regex is used and compared
against any field of the repository dictionaries. Thus you can use it
to find addons by github url etc. Its best to use the directhory part
of the url only. because github urls can be written using git:// or
https:// and with or without trailing ".git" in some cases.
AddonsBisect [vim] [arg1] ... :AddonsBisectLINK
Command that helps find which one of the activated plugins is causing
the problem. In order to do this it launches new vim instance which
will activate only half (1/4, 1/8 and so on) of the plugins currently
activated. In newly launched vim you are able to use :OKVAMBisect
command to mark this set of plugins as non-problematic and
:BADVAMBisect to mark this set of plugins as problematic. It will
repeat bisection until there is only one plugin in the list.
If arguments are given they are used as a command that launches vim.
If you know how to make vim test whether problem occurs use
AddonsBisect vim -c if\ has(problem)|BADVAMBisect|else|OKVAMBisect|endif
(note the space escaping).
3.2. Functions VAM-functionsLINK
vam#ActivateAddons({addons}[, {opts}]) vam#ActivateAddons()LINK
Installs and activates plugins listed in {addons} (see description of
vam#install#Install()) list alongside with their dependencies. This
is meant to be called from your .vimrc. Installation takes place only
if plugin directory does not exist. Activation means adding plugin
directory to 'runtimepath'. If vim has already started VAM will also
source plugin/**/*.vim (in other case sourcing is done by vim).
Optional {opts} argument should be a dictionary with one of the
following keys:
Key Description
auto_install Boolean, overrides VAM-auto_install.
force_loading_plugins_now Boolean. By default plugins are sourced
only if has("vim_starting") is false
because if it is true and VAM was called
from vimrc, then plugins will be loaded by
vim itself after adding them to 'rtp'. But
if VAM was called from a plugin after vim
started loading them new additions to
'runtimepath' may be ignored by vim, hence
the option.
In order to manually activate plugins try using :ActivateAddons
which also provides completion.
Implementation details:
Vim's startup behaviour is:
1. source ~/.vimrc
2. find all plugin/*.vim files in &rtp
3. source them
4. emit the VimEnter au command
Now it does not do its job 2. properly: some after/* files are not
sources. If you add paths rtp at runtime plugin/* files aren't sourced
either. VAM takes care of this for you - but changing source order may
fail in rare cases.
vam#install#Install({addons}[, {opts}]) vam#install#Install()LINK
Installs plugins listed in {addons} list. Each list item must be one
of the following:
- Name of the plugin
- Path to addon-info.txt file (it must contain at least one
forward or back slash, so use `./plugname-addon-info.txt' for
files located in the current directory)i
- addon-info.txt URL. In this case {arg} must start with
“http://” or “https://”.
After installing the plugin help tags are updated, see :helptags.
{addons}: See VAM-addon-names
{opts} argument is described in vam#ActivateAddons().
vam#install#Update({addons}) vam#install#Update()LINK
Updates plugins which names are listed in {addons}. If an empty list
is given, then updates all plugins. vam#install#Update also updates
the help tags. Note that if plugin is not under control of some VCS,
it tries to retain user changes unless VAM-do_diff is disabled.
vam#AddonInfo({name}) vam#AddonInfo()LINK
Returns dictionary that contains information given in addon-info.txt
file that comes with requested addon. If no addon-info.txt file is
present, it is not readable or addon with given name is not installed,
then it returns an empty dictionary.
vam#install#MergePluginFiles([{name}] [, blacklist-regex ])
Highly experimental function that may speed up vim start on heavy IO
load. This function renames all `plugin' directories to
contents into `~/.vim/after/plugin/vim-addon-manager-merged.vim' which
should cause less IO stress to your system, thus Vim will startup
faster. This can scripts because:
- s:... script global variables are renamed automatically to
prevent name clashes
- Guards are replaced by if ... endif which might be inefficient
- `finish' statement that start line and every line after them are
just commented out
Using the blacklist-regex you can filter plugin/*.vim files and
prevent them from being included. For example this excludes many tlib
let s:merge = [ "tlib" ]
call vam#ActivateAddons(s:merge)
command MergePluginFiles call vam#install#MergePluginFiles(s:merge+["tlib"], '\%(cmdlinehelp\|concordance\|evalselection\|glark\|hookcursormoved\|linglang\|livetimestamp\|localvariables\|loremipsum\|my_tinymode\|pim\|quickfixsigns\|scalefont\|setsyntax\|shymenu\|spec\|tassert\|tbak\|tbibtools\|tcalc\|tcomment\|techopair\|tgpg\|tmarks\|tmboxbrowser\|tortoisesvn\|tregisters\|tselectbuffer\|tselectfile\|tsession\|tskeleton\|tstatus\|viki\|vikitasks\)\.vim_merged')
command UnmergePluginFiles call vam#install#UnmergePluginFiles()
Yes, the info files should be cached as well (TODO)
vam#install#RewriteName({name}) vam#install#RewriteName()LINK
Returns a dictionary if {name} matches one of the following patterns:
Pattern Dictionary
github:{Name} {"type": "git",
"url": "git://{Name}/vim-addon-{Name}}
github:{N}/{Repo} {"type": "git",
"url": "git://{N}/{Repo}"}
git:{URL} {"type": "git", "url": {URL}} (experimental)
hg:{URL} {"type": "hg", "url": {URL}} (experimental)
vam#install#CompleteAddonName vam#install#CompleteAddonName()LINK
Function suitable to be a completion function for omni completion
('omnifunc'). Completes addon names. See also VAM-addon_completion_lhs.
vam#vcs#GitCheckout vam#vcs#GitCheckoutLINK
vam#vcs#MercurialCheckout vam#vcs#MercurialCheckoutLINK
vam#vcs#SubversionCheckout vam#vcs#SubversionCheckoutLINK
Functions that do their best to checkout plugins, trying various
additional methods:
SCM Additional methods tried
git Mercurial with hg-git, bazaar with bzr-git,
github/bitbucket bundles
hg Bitbucket bundles
svn Mercurial with hgsubversion, bazaar with bzr-svn
To use them add the following to the vimrc:
let g:vim_addon_manager={'scms': {'git': {}, 'svn': {}, 'hg': {}}}
let g:vim_addon_manager.scms.git.clone=['vam#vcs#GitCheckout']
let g:vim_addon_manager.scms.hg.clone =['vam#vcs#MercurialCheckout']
let g:vim_addon_manager.scms.svn.clone=['vam#vcs#SubversionCheckout']
4. Options VAM-optionsLINK
All options are located in the global dictionary g:vim_addon_manager. You can
set them this way:
let g:vim_addon_manager = {}
let g:vim_addon_manager.auto_install = 1
let g:vim_addon_manager.do_diff = 0
" ...
where KEY_NAME is one of auto_install, plugin_sources, ... (see below)
It also contains some stuff that user should never modify if he wants to see
this plugin working. Possible keys:
auto_install VAM-auto_installLINK
This options disables plugin installation confirmation. It will not
disable deprecation warnings and other prompts.
plugin_sources VAM-plugin_sourcesLINK
This option contains a dictionary where keys are plugin names and
values are described by addon-info-repository. Values defined in
this dictionary override corresponding values in addon-info.txt
files, so be careful when you extend it.
plugin_root_dir VAM-plugin_root_dirLINK
Defines a directory where plugins will be installed to. If directory
where this plugin is installed to (three levels up relative to
autoload/vam.vim: autoload/../..) is writeable by user, then it
defaults to directory in question (so, if user has installed
vim-addon-manager to ~/.vim/bundle/vim-addon-manager, this will be
equal to ~/.vim/bundle). If it is not writeable by the user, then it
defaults to ~/.vim/vim-addons.
Note that you must set this variable before calling any vam function.
Note 2: it may be ignored in custom VAM-plugin_dir_by_name.
Note 3: Utilized by VAM-plugin_dir_by_name. If you override that
function option may have effect only on a limited set of
undocumented options.
additional_addon_dirs VAM-additional-addon-dirsLINK
List of directories. If present, plugins will be looked up in those
directories additionally to VAM-plugin_root_dir.
Note: Utilized by VAM-plugin_dir_by_name. If you override that
function option may have no effect.
String, valid values: `ask', `never' and `autoload' (default). Defines
when VAM-known plugin should be loaded. `Ask' means that user will
be prompted when this option is required. `Never' means that
VAM-known will not be loaded and the user will not get any prompts.
`Autoload' means that it will be loaded when it is required, user also
won't get asked.
known VAM-knownLINK
String, specifies the name of plugin which provides list of
repositories. Default is vim-pi.
change_to_unix_ff VAM-change_to_unix_ffLINK
Remove CR symbols before LF symbols in any vim files (changes dos and
mixed dos/unix line endings to unix line endings). Is on by default if
you are on unix (unix, win32unix, macunix), off otherwise.
do_diff VAM-do_diffLINK
If this option is true (default), then try to retain user changes to
installed plugins (unless they are under SCM control). Requires diff
and patch programs installed.
name_rewriting VAM-name_rewritingLINK
Set this to a dictionary with functions each taking a plugin name and
returning either a dictionary with repository location (see
addon-info-repository) for given name or zero. Location will be set
to the first non-zero value, functions are executed in order
determined by sort()ing keys() of the dictionary. These functions
will be called when repository location for requested plugin is not
Value will be extended with
{"99git+github": "vam#install#RewriteName"}
after it is read (see vam#install#RewriteName()).
plugin_dir_by_name VAM-plugin_dir_by_nameLINK
Function name or function reference that transforms plugin names into
absolute paths plugins are to be installed into. Function must return
path without trailing path separators or VAM-do_diff will break.
Default is "vam#DefaultPluginDirFromName".
scms VAM-scmsLINK
This option determines how sources with supported SCM's should be
checked out and updated. It is a dictionary where keys are known SCM's
and values are dictionaries with the following keys:
Key Value
clone Determines how sources should be checked out.
Additional arguments: repository url, target
update Determines how sources that are already checked out
should be updated.
Additional argument: updated directory.
wdrev Determines how current revision should be obtained.
Used to distinguish between cases “update has not
updated anything” and “update successfully pulled and
checked out new revision(s)” and also for logging new
Additional argument: updated directory.
log Returns log (string) with changes.
Additional arguments: updated directory, old revision
identifier, new revision identifier (values
obtained by wdrev above).
Values of keys `clone' and `executable' should be lists that look like
if you want to call them with call("call", {value}), but with
additional arguments added to the second element of the list. You may
omit second argument, in this case it will considered to be empty.
function GitCheckout(url, target)
execute 'silent! !git clone' a:url shellescape(a:target, 1)
function GitUpdate(command, directory) dict
execute 'sil! !cd' shellescape(a:directory, 1) '&&' a:command
let g:vim_addon_manager.scms={'git': {
\'clone': ['GitCheckout', []],
\'update': [function("GitUpdate"), ['git pull']],\
\'executable': $HOME.'/bin/git'}}
" “'clone': ['GitCheckout']” works as well
Note: if some keys are missing, then VAM will use the defaults. So it
is safe to override just one “clone” key as it is shown in
vam#vcs#GitCheckout example.
pool_fun VAM-pool_funLINK
Name or reference of a function that must return dictionary contains
{{plugin-name}: {repository}} ({repository} is described under
addon-info-repository) map.
Default is "vam#install#Pool".
addon_completion_lhs VAM-addon_completion_lhsLINK
{lhs} of the mapping that uses vam#install#CompleteAddonName() for
completion. Default: "<C-x><C-p>". Spaces and bars are not escaped.
Use zero to disable this completely.
shell_commands_run_method VAM-shell_commands_run_methodLINK
String, possible values: “bang”, “system”. Determines method used to
run shell commands: “bang” (default) uses “:execute '!'.cmd”,
“system” uses “sysem(cmd)”, output is echoed. Second avoids hit-enter
prompts, but is unable to run commands with newline (see
post_install_hook_functions VAM-post_install_hook_functionsLINK
pre_update_hook_functions VAM-pre_update_hook_functionsLINK
post_update_hook_functions VAM-post_update_hook_functionsLINK
post_scms_update_hook_functions VAM-post_scms_update_hook_functionsLINK
Lists of function names or function references that will be called
when hook is executed (see addon-info-hooks). All functions get four
arguments: addon info dictionary, repository dictionary, plugin
directory location and hook options dictionary.
Default values:
post_install_hook_functions: absent
pre_update_hook_functions: ["vam#install#CreatePatch"]
post_update_hook_functions: ["vam#install#ApplyPatch"]
post_scms_update_hook_functions: ["vam#install#ShowShortLog"]
Note: update hooks values are required for VAM-do_diff to work,
vam#install#CreatePatch must be the last function and
vam#install#ApplyPatch should be the first.
debug_activation VAM-debug_activationLINK
Bool, makes VAM print lines explaining reasons for activation
particular plugins. Not pretty - but helpful in some cases.
source_missing_files VAM-source_missing_filesLINK
Bool, determines whether VAM should check whether all plugin/ files
were sourced at the point of VimEnter event and source missed ones.
Default: 1.
This is needed if you load additional plugins in a plugin/*.vim file
which may happen if you use
for instance
The following options are used by vim-pi, not by VAM itself. So if you set
vim-addon-manager-known to another value they may have no effect.
drop_git_sources VAM-drop_git_sourcesLINK
drop_hg_sources VAM-drop_hg_sourcesLINK
drop_svn_sources VAM-drop_svn_sourcesLINK
drop_bzr_sources VAM-drop_bzr_sourcesLINK
Determines whether given SCM sources should be dropped before merging
scm sources by scm_merge_strategy. This way you can force using sources. But you may get different plugin versions
scm_merge_strategy VAM-scm_merge_strategyLINK
String, valid values: `force' (default), `keep' and `never'. Defines,
whether SCM sources should be used instead of sources:
`forces' stands for prefering SCM over, `keep' means that
SCM sources will be used only if the plugin is not available from, `never' means that SCM sources will be never used.
MergeSources VAM-MergeSourcesLINK
Function reference, defines a function that will be used to merge
user, vim-pi and SCM sources.
Overrides VAM-scm_merge_strategy and VAM-drop_SCM_sources. Will be
called with five arguments: user sources (most of time it is an empty
dictionary), non-SCM sources defined in vim-pi, SCM sources also
defined there, patch function name and snr_to_name dictionary. Patch
function is a function that being given sources dictionary (like one
of first three arguments) and snr_to_name dictionary patches first
adding missing information (like missing dependencies). Last
dictionary is a map of script numbers to vim-pi names.
If MergeSources function is a dictionary function, it will be provided
an empty dictionary as self dictionary.
An Example can be found in this file.
6. Uninstalling Plugins VAM-uninstall-pluginsLINK
Follow these steps:
- Remove the plugin name from the call to vam#ActivateAddons() in your
- Restart Vim and remove plugin directory using
:UninstallNotLoadedAddons {pluginname}
or rm -fr those directories manually.
7. Addon-info file VAM-addon-infoLINK
addon-info.json addon-info.txtLINK
dependencies : {
'dependency-1-name': {},
'dependency-2-name': {}
Each plugin that intends to use vim-addon-manager for distributing itself
needs to have addon-info.json [1] file in its root,
that contains the JSON dictionary with the following keys (none of the keys
are required):
[1]: older alternative name: {plugname}-addon-info.txt
name addon-info-nameLINK
Name of the plugin. Must not contain any characters that cannot be
used in a directory name (including directory names separator).
Note that if the value of this key, {plugname} part in addon-info.txt
file name and directory under which plugin is installed are not equal,
then user that tries to use your plugin may catch strange bugs.
repository addon-info-repositoryLINK
Describes where the plugin should be fetched from. Ignored unless the
plugin is installed using either the second or third form of
vam#install#Install() call (see its description). This is
a dictionary with the following keys:
Key Description
type Required, must be either one of `hg', `git', `svn', `bzr' or
an empty string.
url If `type' key contains a VCS name (`hg', `git', `bzr' or
`svn'), then this key describes a url that will be passed to
this VCS. If `type' key contains an empty string, then it
should contain location of the archive.
One of `plugin', `syntax', `color scheme', or `indent'. The
.vim file will be moved into the specific subdirectory.
If `type' key contains an empty string, then archive which
location is described by the `url' key will be saved in file
with name {archive_name} and processed according to its
extension. Supported extensions (note that if you have 7-zip
installed no other archive tools are required):
Extension How it is handled
.vim This extension designates that plugin is
a single file. Depending on `script-type' and
`target_dir' keys this file will be put
1. {root}/{target_dir} if `target_dir' key
2. {root}/syntax, {root}/indent,
{root}/ftplugin if `script-type' is equal to
"syntax", "indent" or "ftplugin"
3. {root}/colors if `script-type' is equal to
"color scheme".
4. {root}/plugin otherwise.
.tar.gz, .tgz This extension designates that plugin is
contained inside tar archive compressed by
gzip. In this case, archive is uncompressed by
`gzip' and unpacked to its directory by `tar'
(both utilities may be replaced with `7z x').
.tar.bz2, .tbz2
Like .tar.gz, but with bzip2 compression.
.tar This extension designates that plugin is
contained inside uncompressed tar archive. In
this case, archive is unpacked to its directory
by `tar'.
.zip This extension designates that plugin is
contained inside a zip archive. In this case
archive is unpacked to its directory by
`unzip' (may be replaced by `7z x').
.7z, .rar, .cab, .arj, .jar
This extension designates that plugin is
contained inside an archive that is supported
by p7zip archiver. In this case archive is
unpacked to its directory by `7z x'.
.vba This extension designates that plugin is
contained in a vimball archive. In this case
vimball#Vimball() function is used, see
:UseVimball for more details.
.vba.gz This extension designates that plugin is
contained in a vimball archive compressed by
gzip. In this case archive is uncompressed and
vimball#Vimball() function is used, see
:UseVimball for more details.
.vba.bz2 Like .vba.bz2, but with bzip2 compression.
If this key is present and contains non-empty string, then
every time when user tries to install this plugin he will see
this message and will have to confirm installation.
Strip first {strip-components} directories after unpacking an
archive. If it is equal to special value `-1' (default), then
it will strip either one directory (if archive contains the
only directory that is not special) or will not strip anything
at all. Recognized special directories: [ft]plugin, autoload,
colors, compiler, indent, keymap, lang, print, spell, syntax.
Contains addon information in case plugin does not supply its
own addon-info file. Will be written to addo-info.json file.
Contains script ID.
Contains home page URL. Though it is possible to use it, VAM
currently is also able to use repository.url to determine
plugin home page (github and bitbucket sources only). May be
the only source of home page URL in the future.
post-install-hook addon-info-post-install-hookLINK
post-update-hook addon-info-post-update-hookLINK
post-scms-update-hook addon-info-post-scms-update-hookLINK
pre-update-hook addon-info-pre-update-hookLINK
Contains VimL command (string), that is :executed after some
replacements are done: “%d” gets replaced with expression evaluating
to plugin root directory, “%i” – to addon-info dictionary and “%r” –
to repository dictionary, “%o” – to opts dictionary (used to save
information between “pre-” and “post-” hooks).
Hooks are executed in the following cases:
Hook Case
post-install After successfully installing a plugin using
:ActivateAddons or running :RunInstallHooks.
pre-update Before a non-VCS source update.
post-update After a non-VCS source update.
post-scms-update After VCS source update.
In non-scms *-update hooks opts dictionary also contains oldVersion
and newVersion values. In post-scms-update hook repository and opts
dictionaries also contain them, but here they are whatever
VAM-scms.{SCM}.wdrev returns or zero. Additionally sdescr key is
available with support functions (one of VAM-scms dictionaries).
dependencies addon-info-dependenciesLINK
Describes plugins that are required for the plugin, must contain
a dictionary where keys are plugin names and values describe where
appropriate plugins should be fetched from (overriden by
VAM-plugin_sources). The format of the values is the same as
version addon-info-versionLINK
maintainer addon-info-maintainerLINK
description addon-info-descriptionLINK
homepage addon-info-homepageLINK
Version, author, maintainer, description and plugin homepage. Ignored,
but setting them to the real values will not do any harm.
Related work:
Until now I thought it was only about manipulating runtimepath.
But the most recent announcement about mirroring all vim scripts
shows that it may become a competitive VAM alternative?
There are also some other package managers for vim: (git support only, VimL)
You can try and see which is the best.
another list:
Emacs install scripts manager:
janus collection also seems to have kind of dependency management.
I tried contacting them - no reply.
vimpyre: A python package managing vim scripts somehow. Its using pathogen to
manage loading of the scripts:
There is another project which has the same name:
The author (Jamessan) is fine with this project sharing the same name.
Github account: MarcWeber
7.2. Contributors VAM-contributorsLINK
(Incomplete list):
Tim Pope (+) (tpope on github)
- Json validation
ZyX (+) (Nikolay Pavlov, ZyX-I on github)
- enhancing this vim documentation
- various fixes
- discussing implementation details
- initial implementation for updating plugins which were installed by
- pushing 7z and providing a reference implementation
- smart strip components implementation
Tux Tom (+) (
- helping fixing a cd bug on Windows
creidiki (Leonardo Valeri Manera)
- greatly improving Windows support
- working around the tar issues on Windows
Mike Smullin:
- for asking to find a way to source addons when gui is running.
There is a hint now. This is important if you don't start vim from console
Israel Chauca Fuentes:
- reporting and fixing some bugs
Zach Kelling (zeekay twitter/github):
providing an initial almost working attempt to load plugins lazily based on
(+) means they are collaborators on github and could take action in case of serious
What features are missing?
- When updating archive based plugins create diffs so that you can patch
those files without changes being lost. I expect users to customize mappings
and such
- add a command like AddonManagerFetchUtils which does all the work listed in
9. for you putting the tar etc into a directory and adding it to PATH
- suggestions?
9. Testing this plugin VAM-testingLINK
Run (assuming you installed it in ~/.vim/vim-addons)
cd ~/.vim/vim-addons
hg clone
cd dev-tools
./test.zsh -a vim-addon-manager
. If test fails test.zsh prints out a list of failed tests and exits with
non-zero code. Dependencies:
- zsh
- perl
- YAML::Any (+some YAML implementation) and WWW::Mechanize perl packages
Note: YAML implementation must accept YAML files without leading ---. YAML
parser shipped with perl does not accept them, use YAML::LibYAML.
- vim
Tests dependencies (not required for test.zsh, but for the tests themselves):
- git, mercurial, subversion and bazaar version control systems
- wget or curl. Unlike VAM tests cannot use any other downloader.
- 7z or zip and tar+gzip+bzip2
- vimball plugin
10. Some notes for windows users VAM-windowsLINK
Finally the nightmare came to an end:
Enter plugins names, download final .zip. Be happy and enjoy VAM.
We could create a vim-addon-curl-unzip-for-windowns plugin providing those
executables. Then VAM would be able to install many plugins after
bootstrapping without help of the vam/index.php url. Tell me to work on it.
Also see BUG [4]
OLD docs:
Win32 tools for vim-addon-manager
Fast: put curl into ~/.vim/vim-addons/binary-utils/dist then call this function
to setup the remaining tools (tar, bzip, gzip, unzip)
call vam#install#FetchAdditionalWindowsTools()
If 7z is in PATH bzip, unzip, gzip are not pulled. So consider installing that
and add it to PATH by
let $PATH=$PATH.';'.PATH_TO_7z
( TODO: test it, provide a way to install 7z instead? )
After the tools are setup, sometimes installing an addon still fail.
Usually this is triggered by a weird value of shellslash or shellquote.
Here is that was found to be working:
set shellslash=0
set shellquote=\"
for more informations.
Ashwin Nanjappa provided an alternative installation instruction here which
worked for him. You may still want to read this section first. There are
multiple ways to make VIM run on Windows and install all missing dependencies.
Does it make sense to support svn and git this way as well?
Is it even possible?
At least we can fetch and execute the installers..
Section provided by creidiki:
Get Curl here:
1. Scroll down to the end of the "Packages" list. You want (ideally) the
latest version, of type `binary' (not libcurl or devel). SSL is not
necessary but won't hurt. If your OS is 64-bit, you can get the Win64
version if you want, but it won't be any faster.
2. Install it. Then point vim-addon-manager (and, incidentally, netrw) to
it by putting something like this in your _vimrc:
let g:netrw_http_cmd='{path_to_curl}\curl.exe -o'
(replace {path-to-curl} with the installation directory, including the
Don't forget the -o argument at the end. :)
Get 7-zip here: You need the full version
with gui because package with command-line version contains only 7za
executable, while you need 7z in order to support more archives. You can
skip all subsequent projects, one 7z is enough for all supported archive
file formats.
Get Tar, Gzip and Unzip from the GnuWin32 project
Either get the complete package setups, or the binary installers. All you
need is the binaries.
Install or unpack them somewhere.
Get xzdec here:
or here:
You only need xzdec.exe. Put in the same place you put those other archive
Either add them to your system or user path (google it!) or add them just
to vim's path by putting something like this in _vimrc:
let $PATH='{path-to-gnu-utils};'.$PATH
Again, replace the whole of {path-to-gnu-utils} including brackets with
the directory you have installed/unpacked them to. You need the same for
7-zip too.
MSysGit (and TortoiseGit/GitExtensions) by default add the `git'
executable to your PATH. If you chose not to for whatever reason, you can
use the trick above to let vim see them. TortoiseHG does the same with the
mercurial `hg' executable. TortoiseSVN does not include the commandline
`svn' executable, so if you need it install SilkSVN
See also vam#vcs#GitCheckout.
We tried thinking about making using vim-addon-manager easier for Windows
users. One idea was introducing a proxy which asks a linux server to package
git/svn/mercurial/bazaar/darcs as zip file on the fly. This would mean you
don’t have to install svn,hg,.. to use plugins only.
If you want something like this to happen contact me.
11. Some notes for Gentoo users VAM-gentooLINK
ZyX packaged vim-addon-manager for gentoo. Eventually you still prefer using
SetupVAM because it works on any unix like system - and its files are that
small so its debatable whether its worth sharing.
The overlay is accessible via mercurial, url: or (mirror).
In order to use this overlay paludis users can add the pluginloader.conf file
to /etc/paludis/repositories/ with the following contents:
location = /var/paludis/repositories/pluginloader
format = e
sync = hg+
master_repository = gentoo
names_cache = ${location}/.cache/names
write_cache = /var/cache/paludis/metadata
Then you should unmask app-vim/vim-addon-manager and run
paludis --sync && paludis --install vim-addon-manager
cave sync && cave resolve -x vim-addon-manager
and everything will probably be fine.
For portage+layman users:
1. Create a file /var/lib/layman/pluginloader-overlay.xml with the following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE repositories SYSTEM "/dtd/repositories.dtd">
<repositories xmlns="" version="1.0">
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Overlay that contains some additional vim plugins</description>
<source type="mercurial"></source>
2. Add the following line to /etc/layman/layman.cfg just after the line that
starts with `overlays' (do not forget to indent it, see comment above the
target line):
3. Run
layman -ka pluginloader-overlay
4. Unmask vim-addon-manager and run
emerge vim-addon-manager
Until now I tried following the "New Jersey", KISS, MIT principles:
- Try to achieve 80% of value by spending 20% of effort
- I consider this piece of code being perfect if there is nothing you can
- If it behaves ok in 95% of all use cases its good enough (for me)
because I prefer a minimal code base.
ZyX created a branch which tries to be accurate summarrized by quoting him:
"I am trying to get rid of as much future errors as possible".
See related work to get it instead of this. Lets watch it and be curious about
what's going to happen.
12. Troubleshooting and known bugs VAM-trouble-shootingLINK
Using a $SHELL setting other than /bin/sh may not work on *nix like systems
[BUG 101] Directories with commas are not supported.
Any discussion is here:
[BUG 10] Think about how to integrate ideas found in ipi
Runtimepath manipulation should be separated from installation / update
logic. This way you can have different implementation for updating plugins
eg one being written in python which you can run from commandline.
However to keep it portable this means we had to support
- a VimL solution (eg for Windows users ?)
- a python/ruby/perl/whatsoever commandline version
(See thread "which plugin management system to use?" on vim_use)
Try commenting all your code in .vimrc and other plugins - does it work
then? Settings which are known to cause trouble:
:echo &shell
:echo &shellslash (some windows users seem to set this differently?)
older vim's eg 7.0...
jolan78 has fixed one issue with older vims. There are likely to be more:
[*]: Comment about calling ActivateAddons() using autocommands:
Obviously GUIEnter is only an option if you use gvim only.
Some plugins may fail to assign their changes to existing buffers
this way. That's one of the reasons why calling ActivateAddons()
using an autocommand is marked as experimental.
Probably those are I "won't fix" bugs. Eventually consider patching
those plugins instead.
Workaround: Try adding this to to ActivateAddons() function which should
catch almost all issues by reassigning the filetype to each buffer:
bufdo exec 'set ft='.&ft
(or use the tlib#buffer#BufDo() function from tlib which will try to
preserve the current buffer ... or ... - This may have undesired
side effects: Try "vim small-file 2gb-file.txt" and vim will startup fast
because the 2gb file will be loaded only if you switch to the buffer.
Eg try :bn and you'll wait several minutes. Using bufdo will force loading
the (all) buffers on command line immediately ..).
You get the idea why I'm not going to maintain this. Putting it into your
.vimrc should be easy enough.
[3]: VAM does not work nicely with older versions of Vim (won't fix)
For vim-7.0 you can make it work easily by adding loading all .vim files
1) replace shellescape( [...] ,1) by shellescape([...])
2) add to SetupVAM (because function(..) does not behave correctly load
all files always):
" slow performance. This could be optimized some more - I do no longer
" care about such old Vim versions. Think about upgrading.
for f in split(glob(vam_install_path.'/vim-addon-manager*/**/*.vim', 1),"\n")
if f =~ '/db/' | continue | endif
exec 'source '.fnameescape(f)
[4]: VAM depends on git. Why does it?
vim-pi is checked out by git which contains the default merge function.
As advanced user you can define your own sources and define your own merge
function trivially - that somehow defeats the idea of having one working
maitained pool of sources though.
It can be fixed: Eg github allows downloading zip files. However then you
still have to
(1) download sources (curl, wget, python support + urllib, ...)
which is not the default for windows.
(2) implement a way to determine when updates should take place eg when a
repo is outdated. Again probably there are ways to query github even
though I know about web scraping only .. But isn't installing git or
using the web interface for Windows users much nicer?
Tell the VAM team if you want git-less installations to be easier and
supported, please. Right now we're lazy.
For windows users there is:
which will also work on sytems not having git but an unzip implementation.
12.1. Common error messages VAM-common-errorsLINK
1. unknown function: vam#ActivateAddons
This means that Vim's runtimepath setting does not contain the path you
have VAM in. Using the recommended setup this should not happen.
Have a second glance at the minimal setup at VAM-install.
See also autoload.
- support This will let you get all scripts using
git repositories only. I think the general idea is great. However we have to
take care to keep patches which were written for git/hg in sync.
If you want this feature tell me. I'll add the sources to vim-pi then.
- full update must be done by
:UpdateAddons -known<tab>
Running :UpdateAddons once should be enough
The fix is to force users to use MergeFunction when patching
and moving the sources into autoload functions you can reload.
Then you can rerun the MergeFunc to get up to date pool in Vim memory.
Sometimes it happens that some small bugs appear. Most of the time they are
easy to identify and trivial fix. Usually fixes happen very fast (within less
than 2 days)
If you don't want to wait try running
git checkout HEAD^
in the vim-addon-manager directory up to 10 times to checkout older
revisions and retry.
tianyicui : Actually I think the name [vim-addon-manager] is too long
(github) and totally uncool.
Marc Weber: Your suggestion VAM as abbreviation is fine. Let's use that.
Switching the name means a lot of work and many dead links.
I'm not going to switch the name for 'uncoolness' reasons soon.
Don't have those commands? See VAM-installation.
Windows installation is more tedious than on Linux - yes.
Still trouble? Get in touch, see VAM-author
The help file should be using VAM. (Yes - but its too much work to get it
right for now)
You have to trust script authors:
Because everybody can upload everything to the repositories (in particular you must trust authors. I can't review all code - so expect code
to steal your passwords, run sudo rm -fr / ... etc. (This never happened to
me. But it could)
Briefly: I'm not responsible for the code you get using vim-addon-manager.
You can use InstallAddons to preview source.
If something goes wrong - and if I don't reply within 24h:
The following github users are collaborators. This means they have write
access to the official repository:
tpope, dertuxmalwieder, TuxTom.
If a plugin behaves strangely then try
Maybe you have an uncommon Vim setting causing some plugins to fail.
There is currently no way forcing loading a plugin at .vimrc time.
Vim delays executing plugin/*.vim files until .vimrc finished processing.
This leads to some hacks such as defining g:in_load_known_repositories.
Forcing loading a plugin earlier (including dependencies !) would allow us to
get rid of this hack.
Its a bug that VAM supports ',' in path items of runtimepath.
Most other plugins do not. IMHO the true fix would be fixing Vim:
call add(g:runtimepath, "newpath") and all the trouble would be gone.
But vim does not use g:runtimpath, it uses an option with strange quoting.
Same applies to errorformat.
So don't use ',' in paths and everyone is happy.
I only act uppon feedback. So if you want changes you have to contact me.
Don't expect me to know what you dream about.
"I want feature X" such as browsable lists of plugins. ActivateAddons FOO
make launching the plugin permanent, ...
Me too - pay me.
Seriously: I don't want to add all features to VAM. It is designed as minimal
as possible. This excludes any gui features. If you want to add such browser
or the like create a new plugin "vim-addon-manager-gui" people can install and
use. I'm happy to put a link into this manual or assist you. However
I personally don't have time to write it.
VAM only checks out 2 revisions using git.
Its not a bug. You can get remaining versions by git fetch --depth=9999999
or such. This speeds up installation very much and should be still be
sufficient to prepare patches.
What about parallel installation, fetching, activation, ...
Possible problems:
- activation order could be important, the plugin manager eventually does not
know (yet)
- Vim itself does not allow parallel processing, thus this make VAM depend on
external tools such as parallel, python or the like. It has been a design
choice to keep things simple (VimL only).
- While loading plugins at runtime works mostly it does not work always, thus
installing a plugin and activating it later might change behaviour. And that
has been a design choice that you can trust (as much as possible) that the
result of a VAM installation behaves the same. (no version locking yet, I
know - if you need it create a github bug)
- parallel updating can be implemented trivially, eg using shell scripting:
for git in ~/.vim/vim-addons/*/*.git; do
cd $(dirname $git); git pull &
14. VAM vs ... VAM-comparisonLINK
Up to date information will be found on this wiki:
14.1. VAM vs pathogen VAM-vs-pathogenLINK
+ :helptags is run automatically only after updating or installing the
+ There is a maintained pool of plugins that makes possible to
1. create hooks which may be required to finish installation (like
Command-T requiring some compilation)
2. patch (mainly tell VAM that plugin has different runtimepath) or
deprecate plugins (for example, Sanders snipmate)
+ VAM handles plugin dependencies (of course, if author or pool maintainer
added required information).
+ VAM is able to download and install or update plugins.
+ VAM is able to load plugins while vim is running.
14.2. VAM vs tplugin VAM-vs-tpluginLINK
+ VAM is able to download and install or update plugins. TPlugin updates only
VCS controlled ones and is not able to install anything.
+ VAM is able to select only some of installed plugins (well, it is unable to
select all of them at once)
+ Non-standart layouts are handled by TPlugin only with help of the user.
? TPlugin is able to construct a menu with available plugins, with VAM you
have to use completion for ActivateInstalledAddons.
- Automatically loads plugins only when their commands, functions or mappings
are called (can’t handle all possible ways of defining a command, function
or mapping though).
- Requires running TPluginScan after each update.
- Has “autocommands” for executing something before/after loading specific
14.3. VAM vs vundle VAM-vs-vundleLINK
+ Vundles seems to source after/* files for you, but it does not care about
ordering when adding to rtp, thus “~/.vim/after/ftplugin/*” is sourced
before “~/.vim/bundle/PLUGIN/ftplugin”. It is though unlikely that you run
into this issue.
+ Does not handle dependencies (though it is in TODO).
+ Does not allow changing installation directory.
+ No post-install and post-update hooks.
+ Allows only git sources.
- Vundle has a command to clean unused plugins.
- Vundle has “interactive mode” which speeds up certain workflows.
14.4. VAM vs Neobundle VAM-vs-neobundleLINK
+ Dependencies are specified in the vimrc, not in the installed plugin.
- Allows lazy loading of the plugins (autocommands, commands, mappings,
functions and filetypes that trigger the load are specified in the vimrc).
- Is able to check for presence of some executables (i.e. external commands
dependencies). Is also specified in the vimrc though.
- Supports revision lock.
- Has a command to clean unused plugins.
- Supports unite.vim for interaction (interactive updating, installing,
updating, removing, previewing documentation, reinstalling, opening plugin
directory and plugin page).
- Supports unite.vim for searching.
14.5. VAM vs GetLatestVimScripts VAM-vs-GLVSLINK
+ VAM uses human-readable names instead of script IDs.
+ GLVS is able to handle only sources.
+ GLVS puts all files into “~/.vim”, VAM (and others mentioned above) uses
one-directory-for-one-plugin approach.
+ GLVS does not seem to track which files belong to which plugin so is not
able to uninstall plugins.
+ No post-install and post-update hooks.
- Unlike VAM GLVS is included in standart vim distribution.
- GLVS was released (posted to in Nov 2004, while VAM only in
Dec 2009, so it is likely that more plugins define dependencies using GLVS
(needs more exploration though). On the other hand, VAM has large maintained
database also with dependency information.
- Uses downloaded archives’ IDs to determine whether update is needed, this
may have a difference if author does not bother with changing versions, have
chosen the same version because previous upload was packaged wrongly (e.g.
has missing files), etc.
14.6. VAM vs Vimana VAM-vs-VimanaLINK
+ Requires perl.
+ (For plain vim files posted to requires special comment.
+ Has less number of supported distribution formats.
+ Requires manually adding runtimepaths of newly installed plugins or puts
everything into ~/.vim (well, in first entry of 'runtimepath')
+ No dependency handling.
- Has easy support for changing runtimepath for particular plugin
(see also “+” above).
- Is able to do online searches on
- Has support for Makefiles and Rakefiles.
14.7. Some other similar projects VAM-vs-otherLINK
There are other projects known which are not so popular as the above:
1. janus (
+ Has plugin managment system built on top of pathogen
? Janus is a vim distribution, not only package manager
2. vimpyre (
+ Requires python and some python packages
+ Uses pathogen to actually load plugins, it does only installation itself
+ Supports only git
? Not a vim plugin, but a python extension. Is installed using pip.
- Is able to do some local searches
- Vimpyre can open plugin home page in browser
3. Vim script management system
+ Requires ruby and mechanize gem
+ Not supported: 23 March 2011 author has chosen to use mirror of
+ Supports only
+ Always installs plain .vim files to plugin/ directory
+ Has less number of supported distribution formats
+ No dependency handling
+ Uses script IDs
? Not a vim plugin, but a shell command-line utility
- Uses downloaded archives’ IDs to determine whether update is needed
Most people are using VAM or Pathogen now AFAIK - so if you feel need for this
list submit patches
I personally don't have anything against the other solutions. I like to point
out the importance of the "dependency" feature. It allows reusing code easily.
Thus code will be reused easily. Thus code review will take place yielding
more collaboration thus better code. That was the main reason why I started
VAM. And that's good for community.
15. Tracking down errors VAM-tracking-down-errorsLINK
1) Where does the error or unexpected behaviour come from?
Try disabling plugins until you know which plugins are left causing the bad
behaviour. Then you can try checking out older versions.
Pathogen is using "git submodules" which would allow setting back many
repositories in time at once. Because VAM does not use git submodules you
have to checkout older versions for each plugin manually.
GIT (git):
- optional: fetch all history (VAM by default uses shallow clones):
git fetch --depth=99999
- list changes:
gitk (gui) or git log -500
- list all changes in time:
git reflog show HEAD@{now}
lists lines like this:
b8aee58 HEAD@{Wed Feb 15 03:22:53 2012 +0100}: commit: documentation improvements
^^^^^ the hash
- checkout older revision (thus put plugin back in time to older revision):
git checkout hash
git checkout master # latest revision (unless you use different branches)
tip: hash~2 checks out two versions before hash.
Thus master~10 checks 10 revisions before the most current one.
If you know which hash is causing the bad behaviour you may want to have
look at changes using.
git show hash
Of course #git on is willing to help if you have trouble
hg log -l 500 # list last 500 changes of repositories
hg update hash_or_number
SVN (svn)
svn log -l 500
Eventually you want to sent a bug report to maintainers.
16. Making plugins work with VAM VAM-adjusting-pluginsLINK
Most plugins should work out of the box.
Some older plugins expect to be installed into ~/.vim. Probably they can be
patched easily by replacing ~/.vim by a path relative to the file running the
" this is ~/.vim/vim-addons/foo/autoload/x.vim
" does not work inside a function!
let s:plugin_base_dir = expand('<sfile>:p:h:h', 1)
" now s:plugin_base_dir contains ~/.vim/vim-addons/foo
Then plugins can find additional resources (templates, python files, ..)
relative to s:parent_dir_of_this_file
Filetype detection files (from ftdetect/ directory) are loaded if you set
"filetype on". Thus if you do it after last call to vam#ActivateAddons,
everything should be fine.
16.1. The perfect plugin VAM-plugin-guideLINK
Well - this should not be here either - and its only "my personal view on it".
useful plugins for developing in VimL: vim-dev and reload.
is sourced always. Thus it should only contain the user interface
configuration and code which is always used anyway (autocommands, mappings,
is loaded as needed. It should contain the remaining code.
contains syntax files.
contains rules to assign file types to files.
contains color schemes.
You may want to use :h plugin or :helpgrep to find details in the Vim help.
I personally don't like globbering the golbal namespace with
if !exists(g:my_plugin_width')
let g:my_plugin_width = 20
because it is harder to read (3 lines). Historically Vim did not support
dictionaries, so using g:foo{'var'} = value was the only way. Today Vim
supports dictionaries which is why I personally prefer the “bind global named
dictionary to a short local s: var”. VAM itself shows how to do it (grep for
s:c) Almost of all of my plugins follow these rules.
common rules:
- rather be simple than complicated
- follow the principle of least surprise
- try to find an existing plugin, join.
- if you have to write from scratch document why
- consider referencing related projects which do similar things.
After all we're a community and our task is to keep it healthy
thus to provide value to each other.
- ...
17. VAM tricks and hacks VAM-tricksLINK
Create these directories:
and add the following line to the each of them:
echomsg expand('<sfile>:t', 1)
~/.vimrc contents:
filetype on
set rtp+=~/my
You will now notice that you have only after-vim.vim and ftdetect-vim.vim
lines in messages. But being put into ~/.vim/vim-addons after/ and ftdetect/
directories present in some plugins are equivalent to ~/my/after and
~/my/ftdetect from the example.
VAM will source after-foreign.vim and ftdetect-foreign.vim for you, see
vam#GlobThenSource usage.
Also see this line in source:
" HACKS source files which Vim only sources at startup (before VimEnter)
grep for this source line to learn about how VAM runs autocommand events for
plugins loaded at runtime:
let newaugs = filter(s:GetAuGroups(), '!has_key(oldaugs, v:key)')
The linux script is gone. Search for "unix based os" to learn about its
See :h 'modeline' to learn about the following line setting up defaults.
Usually you'd prefer ftplugin files (do it once).
vim: tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl