format.txt Convert current file to colored HTML, BBCode or whateverLINK
CONTENTS format-contentsLINK
1. Intro format-intro
2. Functionality provided format-functionality
2.1. Commands format-commands
2.2. Features format-features
3. Options format-options
3.1. HTML specification options format-options-html
3.2. vimorg-tagged specification options format-options-vo-tagged
4. Format specification description format-spec
4.1. Dictionary keys format-spec-keys
4.2. String descriptions format-spec-description
5. List of built-in format specifications format-formats
1. Intro format-introLINK
This plugin provides the ability to convert current file to colored HTML,
BBcode, (in future) LaTeX or whatever you have written specification for.
∙ Flexible format specifications.
∙ Ability to create abstract stylesheets.
∙ 'list' and 'listchars' options support (only tab, trail, eol and conceal
for now).
∙ Side-by-side diffs support. format-side-by-side-diff
∙ Support for creating numbered lines.
∙ Dynamic folds support. g:format_AllFolds
Differencies with built-in :TOhtml:
∙ For large files formatting using my plugin is faster.
∙ 'list' and 'listchars' options support.
∙ Background color for the whole line with differencies, not just for text
(for g:html_no_pre=1) and without trailing spaces (for
∙ Signs support. signs
∙ Tags linked to their definition. Implemented for 2html in
vimscript #2252. g:format_IgnoreTags
∙ (HTML) Anchors in tags definition location: for copying links.
∙ Side-by-side diff based on tables (2html relies on lines having the same
height which is generally false).
∙ Full conceal support: with g:format_FormatConcealed set to 2
formats-format-html generates both concealed and shown.
∙ Non-copyable signs, fold columns and numbers by default. 2html requires
setting g:html_prevent_copy.
∙ 'fillchars' vert suboption support (2html supports only diff and fold
∙ Matches and 'hlsearch' support. g:format_FormatMatches
∙ More correct highlighting in some cases.
∙ Support for formats other then HTML/XHTML (format-formats). Makes it
relatively easy to add new format to the list of supported formats
∙ 2html still has more options for HTML formatting though.
∙ Full 'foldcolumn' support: 2html sets foldcolumn to either 'foldcolumn'
value or maximum fold level, whichever is greater, formatvim uses
'foldcolumn' value, fully emulating what vim shows.
∙ 'spell' checking support. g:format_IgnoreSpell
Plugin requires some additional plugins:
∙ frawor (
Note: formatvim supports VAM (
It is prefered that you use it for formatvim installation.
2. Functionality provided format-functionalityLINK
2.1. Commands format-commandsLINK
:Format {action} ... format-:Command :FormatCommandLINK
The only command provided by this plugin.
:{range}Format format [{formatName} [{option1} {value1}]]
Create a new buffer which contains lines formatted using the
specification named {formatName} ("html" by default). If {range}
is not given, format the whole file. For list of built-in formats
see format-formats. Possible options:
Option Value and description
columns Unsigned integer greater then zero or -1. This
option is used to specify number of columns (screen
width). Overrides format-o-MinColumns.
to Defines file where result should be saved. If no
file was specified, new buffer will be created.
cursor Bool (`cursor' or `nocursor').
Overrides format-o-IgnoreCursor, does the
opposite to it.
number Bool (`number' or `nonumber').
Overrides format-o-NoLineNR, does the opposite to
relativenumber Bool (`relativenumber' or `norelativenumber').
Overrides format-o-RelativeNumber.
list Bool (`list' or `nolist').
Overrides format-o-IgnoreList.
Does the opposite to the IgnoreList option.
diff Bool (`diff' or `nodiff').
Overrides format-o-IgnoreDiff.
Does the opposite to the IgnoreDiff option.
starttagreg Regex (in very nomagic mode: /\V).
Overrides format-o-StartTagReg.
endtagreg Regex (in very nomagic mode: /\V).
Overrides format-o-EndTagReg.
tags False (`notags'), `local' or `all'.
Overrides format-o-IgnoreTags.
foldcolumn `nofoldcolumn', unsigned integer or -1.
Overrides format-o-FoldColumn.
folds Bool (`folds' or `nofolds').
Overrides format-o-IgnoreFolds, does the opposite
to it.
signs Bool (`signs' or `nosigns').
Overrides format-o-IgnoreSigns, does the opposite
to it.
spell Bool (`spell' or `nospell').
Overrides format-o-IgnoreSpell, does the opposite
to it.
concealed False (`noconcealed'), `show' or `both'.
Overrides format-o-FormatConcealed.
progress False (`noprogress'), `lines' or `percent'.
Overrides format-o-ShowProgress.
collapsfiller `nocollapsfiller' or unsigned integer.
Overrides format-o-CollapsFiller.
allfolds Bool (`allfolds' or `noallfolds').
Overrides format-o-AllFolds.
matches False (`nomatches'), `search', `matches' or `all'.
Determines whether patterns searched for and
patterns returned by getmatches() should be taken
into account: with `search' and `all' arguments it
formats search pattern as if 'hlsearch' were on
(actual value is ignored), with `matches' or `all'
it formats getmatches() output.
Overrides format-o-FormatMatches.
links Bool (`links' or `nolinks').
Overrides format-o-FormatLinks.
:{range}Format diffformat [{formatName} [{option1} {value1}]]
Like format-action-format, but create a side-by-side diff file.
In side-by-side diff format-o-CollapsFiller and
format-o-AllFolds are ignored and set to false, you also cannot
specify this options on the command line. If in one of the diffed
windows 'foldmethod' is not equal to "diff" then
format-o-IgnoreFolds is also overriden and set to true.
Note that in side-by-side diff document in first column is the
document where the command were called from.
Note that if there is only one or no windows where 'diff' is set
then empty buffer will be created and nothing will be generated.
:Format list format-action-listLINK
Print a list of format specifications.
2.2. Features format-featuresLINK
format.add : function ({formatName}, {specification}) format-f-format.addLINK
+ unload
Add {specification} to the list of specifications and name it
{formatName}. If specification named {formatName} already exists then
it throws an exception. For the description of {specification} see
3. Options format-optionsLINK
b:formatOptions g:formatOptionsLINK
All options are located either in b:formatOptions and g:formatOptions
dictionaries or in [gb]:format_{option} variables (see frawor-f-getoption).
DefaultFormat :: String format-o-DefaultFormatLINK
Default format specification's name. Default: html.
IgnoreFolds :: Bool format-o-IgnoreFoldsLINK
If IgnoreFolds is true, then act as if there were no text folds. See
fold.txt for more information about folding. Default: 0.
Note that if format specification does not provide "fold" key then
closed folds will be ignored even if IgnoreFolds is set to 0.
AllFolds :: Bool format-o-AllFoldsLINK
If IgnoreFolds is not true and current format has either foldstart or
foldend keys (or both), then collect all possible folds and call
foldstart at each fold start and foldend at each foldend. Default: 0.
Note that this option will overwrite your 'foldminlines' option, so
you will have to restore it manually if you terminate formatting
FoldColumn :: -1 | 0 | Natural format-o-FoldColumnLINK
If FoldColumn is set to -1 (default) and IgnoreFolds is not true, then
foldcolumn is added to the resulting format if 'foldcolumn' is greater
then zero. Other values override 'foldcolumn' option. Note that this
option will overwrite your 'foldminlines' option, so you will have to
restore it manually if you terminate formatting process.
IgnoreList :: Bool format-o-IgnoreListLINK
If IgnoreList is true, then ignore 'list' and 'listchars' options.
Now plugin supports only tab, trail, eol and conceal 'listchars'
specifications. Default: 0.
IgnoreSigns :: Bool format-o-IgnoreSignsLINK
If IgnoreSigns is true, then placed signs are ignored (see :sign).
Default: 0.
IgnoreDiff :: Bool format-o-IgnoreDiffLINK
If IgnoreDiff is true, then ignore 'diff' option.
Default: 0.
StartTagReg :: Regex format-o-StartTagRegLINK
Defines regular expression that must match before the start of the tag
text. Regex must be in magic mode (/\m) and you must use zero-width
look-aheads/look-behinds if you need to match something that is the
part of the tag. Regex is wrapped into /\%( and is suffixed by
/\zs to exclude it from match.
EndTagReg :: Regex format-o-EndTagRegLINK
Like format-o-StartTagReg, but defines regex that must be matched
after end of the tag text. Like above it is wrapped into /\%( and
prefixed by /\ze.
IgnoreTags :: 0 | 1 | 2 format-o-IgnoreTagsLINK
Defines whether tags are ignored, see taglist()
0: do not ignore any tags. In HTML format it produces the following
<a href="#line18-0">...</a>
(if tag links to the current buffer) and
<a href="{path}#line18-0">...</a>
(if tag links to other file). Here {path} is a path to the file
with tag definition relative to the current directory (if
possible). Note that HTML formatter escapes all `<' and `>'
characters, so it is safe to use regular expressions to change the
1: ignore tags that are not in current file (default)
2: ignore all tags
Note: it is highly recommended that you use vim-7.3.627 and higher
when formatting tags.
AddTagCmdEscapes :: [ Char ] format-o-AddTagCmdEscapesLINK
String, defines a list of characters that should be escaped if `cmd'
key in tag description returned by taglist() is an vim pattern.
Default: '[]*.~'.
MaxDupTags :: UInt format-o-MaxDupTagsLINK
Defines a maximum number of tag entries with one name. If actual
number of tag entries that share the same name exceeds this value,
then this tag is ignored. You can set this option to 0 in order to
prevent filtering. Default: 5.
IgnoreSpell :: Bool format-o-IgnoreSpellLINK
Determines whether spell checker highlighting should be ignored.
Default: 0.
RelativeNumber :: -1 | Bool format-o-RelativeNumberLINK
If it is true, then it adds relative line numbers, just like when
'relativenumber' is set ('relativenumber' was introduced in vim 7.3,
but this option will also work in vim 7.2). -1 (default) means that
this option will be enabled if 'relativenumber' option is set.
Overrides format-o-NoLineNR.
NoLineNR :: -1 | Bool format-o-NoLineNRLINK
If it is true then do not add the line numbers, -1 (default) means
"preserve 'number' option" (plugin acts as if NoLineNR were true if
'number' is not set and as if it were false otherwise). It does the
1. Sets @_donr@ to 0
2. Makes "%#" and "%_" return blank strings
3. Forces skipping applying "linenr" specification
It has the same effect as removing "linenr" key from specification.
CollapsFiller :: UnsignedInteger format-o-CollapsFillerLINK
If this value is not zero, number of deleted lines is equal or greater
than CollapsFiller and there is "collapsedfiller" key in format
specification then this key is used instead of repeating "difffiller"
for every deleted line. If "difffiller" key is absent, then this
option is ignored and plugin will act as if this option was set to 1.
IgnoreCursor :: Bool format-o-IgnoreCursorLINK
If this option is true (default) then cursor position is ignored
(cursor line does not get highlighted when 'cursorline' is on, line
number in cursor line does not use hl-CursorLineNr (unless
'relativenumber' is set), concealed characters are concealed
regardless of 'concealcursor' setting).
FormatConcealed :: 0, 1 or 2 format-o-FormatConcealedLINK
If both this option and 'conceallevel' have non-zero values, then only
actually shown text will be formatted. Difference between values
1 (default) and 2 is that if FormatConcealed value is 1 then
format-spec-key-line will be used with specification derived from
hl-Concealed higlight group, thus losing information about what
characters are actually hidden. And if FormatConcealed value is 2 then
format-spec-key-concealed is used, so information about concealed
characters can be possibly saved.
FormatMatches :: none, search, matches or all format-o-FormatMatchesLINK
Determines whether patterns searched for and patterns returned by
getmatches() should be taken into account: with `search' and `all'
arguments it formats search pattern as if 'hlsearch' were on (actual
value is ignored), with `matches' or `all' it formats getmatches()
Default: `all' if 'hlsearch' is on and v:hlsearch is 1 and `matches'
if it is not.
If v:hlsearch is not present it is `all' once 'hlsearch' is
on. If vim was compiled without +extra_search it is
`matches' by default regardless of other settings.
FormatLinks :: Bool format-o-FormatLinksLINK
Determines whether links should be detected and formatted using
format-spec-key-linkstart and/or format-spec-key-linkend. If true
linkstart is added before links described by format-o-LinkRegexes
and linkend is added after.
Default: 1.
b:format_LinkRegexes g:format_LinkRegexesLINK
LinkRegexes :: [(regexp, expr)] format-o-LinkRegexesLINK
Determines what the link is and what it links to. Is a list of pairs
where first value is a regular expression (in /\m and /\C mode)
and second value is a sub-replace-expression.
Note: if you define both g:format_LinkRegexes and b:format_LinkRegexes
they will be merged together. g:format_LinkRegexes will override
default value, b:format_LinkRegexes will be merged with it.
Note 2: you must define regexes so that they will not overlap.
ShowProgress :: 0, 1 or 2 format-o-ShowProgressLINK
If this option is not zero then show progress bar. Differencies
between 1 and 2:
Value Bar
1 [=> ] 10% (bar and per cent count)
2 [=> ] 1/9 10% (bar, currentline/lastline, per cent count)
Note that it is currentline/lastline, not
Default: 0.
Note that in terminal it is impossible (at least in version 7.2) to
determine actual window size if you resize vim while script is
running, so doing that may render progress bar useless. This does not
apply to gvim.
ColorFile :: 0 or filename (file must be readable) format-o-ColorFileLINK
If this option is not zero, then read colors from file {ColorFile}
instead of {rtp}/config/formatvim/colors-default-'t_Co'.yaml. Relevant
only for vim running in color terminal or when using
format-format-csi (in the latter case
{rtp}/config/formatvim/colors-default.yaml is used by default which
has only 16 colors). It is allowed to skip {rtp}/config/formatvim
part: if no path separators or forward slashes appear in the option
value then it is searched there.
Format of the file must be the following (it is a very limited subset
of YAML):
# Comment
--- # Document start (may be omitted)
# Default color
- "#000000" # Color 0
- "#abcdef" # Color 1
# Yet another comment
- "#dead00" # Color 2
... # Document end (may be omitted)
# Note the following: each non-comment line must start with `- '
# (a dash and a space, exactly at the start of line) followed by
# an opening quote (either «'» or «"»), a hash, six hexadecimal
# digits and a closing quote («'» or «"» depending on what you
# have chosen before).
Note that this option must be set before format.vim is loaded. All
changes made to this option will be ignored if plugin is already
loaded (though you may use frawor#Reload()).
In the tools/ directory there is a script which helps you with
creating color table: tools/ It requires perl bindings to
imagemagick, imagemagick shell commands and xdotool (to get focused
window) installed, latter is optional. Usage is the following:
# If you have N-colored terminal
./tools/ colors.yaml N
# If you created a screenshot with color table by yourself and
# want to parse it (lines and columns are arguments
# to SetupTable function in colortable.vim)
./tools/ image.png lines columns > colors.yaml
Note: you can’t use the script in first form with less then four
UseStyleNames :: Bool format-o-UseStyleNamesLINK
If true, format-spec-%S uses name attributes in place of styleid.
Default: false.
Note: unlike style IDs, style names are not guaranteed to be unique,
though conflict is unlikely to occur.
MinColumns :: UnsignedInteger format-o-MinColumnsLINK
Determines minimal number of columns text must occupy. If there is a line
that is wider then MinColumns then value of this option is ignored. Useful
for format-spec-%.-, format-spec-%-, format-spec-%+.
Default: 40.
3.1. HTML specification options format-options-htmlLINK
HTMLAnchorFileNameExpr :: expr format-o-HTMLAnchorFileNameExprLINK
Expression used to generate filename in anchor out of filename attached to
the tag. Defaults to a:tag.tfname.".html".
In the expression you can use the a:tag variable which is a dictionary
with the following keys in addition to keys defined by taglist() and by
formatvim (see format-tag-keys):
Key Description
__ename String, tag name escaped for use in anchor (wikipedia-style
escaping). See
for the description why this is needed. Example of such escaping:
tag 'ls' is escaped to .27ls.27.
HTMLUseTagNameInAnchor :: Bool format-o-HTMLUseTagNameInAnchorLINK
Determines whether anchor should contain tag name or line number.
Defaults to false.
HTMLAddLinkAtTagLine :: Bool format-o-HTMLAddLinkAtTagLineLINK
Determines whether line that contains tag definition should also contain
tag link. This link is to be used for copy-pasting. Defaults to true.
HTMLTitleExpr :: expr format-o-HTMLAddLinkAtTagLine
Determines what file name should go into title.
Default: expand('%:p:~').
HTMLFontFamily :: string format-o-HTMLFontFamilyLINK
Determins font-family property in embedded CSS.
Default: `"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","DejaVu Sans Mono",Monaco,monospace`.
HTMLAdditionalCSS :: string format-o-HTMLAdditionalCSSLINK
Determines CSS string that will be added at the very end of <style> tag
contents. Default is empty.
Useful information about possible selectors:
Line selectors:
Selector Description
.Line Attached to the outer container of the regular line. If
side-by-side diff is active outer container is wrapped
into table line.
.Fold Same as above, but for folded lines.
See format-o-IgnoreFolds.
.DiffFiller Same as above, but for diff filler lines.
.CollapsedFiller Same as above, but for collapsed diff fillers.
.TrailLine Same as above, but for trailing ~ lines. Can only be
seen in side-by-side diff in some rare cases (e.g. when
diffing against an empty file).
#line{n}-{b} Outer container for line number {n}. {b} is 0 unless
side-by-side diff is being generated, otherwise it is
number of the buffer.
Fold selectors, see format-o-IgnoreFolds and format-o-AllFolds:
Selector Description
.Fold > .Text Text inside collapsed fold.
.Fold > .FoldFiller Fold filler inside collapsed fold.
format-side-by-side-diff selectors:
Selector Description
.SbSDLine Outer container for some line in all buffers in
a side-by-side diff.
.SbSD{n} Outer container for a buffer in a side-by-side diff.
.SbSDSep Container for 'fillchars'/vert that separates two diffed
.SbSDSep{n} Same as above, but only for separator between (n-1)’th diffed
buffer and n’th.
#sbsd{n} Outer container for a line {n}. Note that due to diff fillers
and folds this may have nothing to do with actual line number
in any of the diffed buffers.
format-o-FormatConcealed==2 selectors:
Selector Description
.Concealed Container for both concealed and shown text.
.Concealed > .Shown Container for the :syn-cchar.
.Concealed > .Present Container for the text actually present in the
Tags and links, see format-o-IgnoreTags and format-o-FormatLinks:
Selector Description
.Tag Link to some tag definition.
.TagLink Container for quick link near tag definition. Applicable
only if format-o-HTMLAddLinkAtTagLine is true.
.TagLink > a Like above, but selects the link itself.
.Link Link to some location
Selectors for various columns:
Selector Description
.LineNR Container for line number, see format-o-NoLineNR, 'number'
and 'relativenumber' options.
.FoldColumn Container for fold column, see format-o-IgnoreFolds,
format-o-FoldColumn and 'foldcolumn' options.
.Sign Container for signs, see format-o-IgnoreSigns.
.SignImage Same as above, but selects only signs that use icons.
.SignText Same as above, but selects only signs that do not use icons.
.SignAbsent Same as above, but selects only sign columns in lines where
no sign is defined.
3.2. vimorg-tagged specification options format-options-vo-taggedLINK
g:format_VOHelpPrefix g:format_VOHelpSuffix g:format_VOHelpAnchorExprLINK
VOHelpPrefix :: string format-o-VOHelpPrefixLINK
VOHelpSuffix :: string format-o-VOHelpSuffixLINK
VOHelpAnchorExpr :: expr format-o-VOHelpAnchorExprLINK
All these options determine how links at the bottom should look like: they
are used as below:
[1] {VOHelpPrefix}{filename}{VOHelpSuffix}#{eval(VOHelpAnchorExpr)}
Defaults are the following:
[1] (g:format_IgnoreTags)
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111222222222233333 4444444444444444444444444444444
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111112222222222233333 4444444444
1 is VOHelpPrefix (note: includes the trailing slash).
Default is "".
2 is help file name.
3 is VOHelpSuffix. Default is ".html".
4 is a result of eval()uating VOHelpAnchorExpr.
Default is "tag.__ename=~#':'?('line'.tag._linenr.'-0 ('')'):(tag.__ename)".
Note: here it uses tag variable which is a dictionary described at
format-tag-keys. In addition to those keys __ename key is
available which is the same as described at
4. Format specification description format-specLINK
Document is constructed in the following way:
[begin] is described by the format-spec-key-begin,
[end] is described by format-spec-key-end,
[linestart] by format-spec-key-linestart,
[foldcolumn] by format-spec-key-foldcolumn,
[sign] by format-spec-key-sign,
[linenr] by format-spec-key-linenr,
[lineend] by format-spec-key-lineend,
[foldend] by format-spec-key-foldend,
[foldstart] by format-spec-key-foldstart,
while {line} may be
- a sequence of items described by format-spec-key-line (for regular
- a difffiller described by format-spec-key-difffiller,
- collapsed sequence of difffillers described by
- or a folded text described by format-spec-key-fold.
In the first case there may be additional tokens:
[tagstart] is described by format-spec-key-tagstart,
[concealedstart] by format-spec-key-concealedstart,
[line] by format-spec-key-line,
[concealedend] by format-spec-key-concealedend,
[tagend] by format-spec-key-tagend.
Actual position of [tagstart] and [tagend] depends on the place where tag was
matched. It is a bug to have nested [tagstart] .. [tagend] pairs.
For side-by-side diff generation first all lines of first document are being
generated, then all lines of second document are being generated (both without
beginning and ending, format-spec-key-haslf and format-spec-key-nolf are
ignored) and then generated lines are merged like that:
[sbsdstart] is described by the format-spec-key-sbsdstart,
[sbsdsep] by format-spec-key-sbsdsep,
[sbsdend] by format-spec-key-sbsdend.
format-spec-key-begin, format-spec-key-end, format-spec-key-haslf and
format-spec-key-nolf are being processed only after line merge.
Everything is defined in the format specification which is the dictionary with
the following keys (only `line' key is required):
4.1. Dictionary keys format-spec-keysLINK
begin format-spec-key-beginLINK
String, describes the beginning of the document. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ Empty string
@.@ 0 (zero)
@-@ 0 (zero)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Normal highlight group
sbsdstart format-spec-key-sbsdstartLINK
String, describes the start of side-by-side diff line. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ Empty string
@.@ 0 (zero)
@-@ Index of the current line (Note that index is not current
line number)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Normal highlight group
sbsdsep format-spec-key-sbsdsepLINK
String, describes the document separator of side-by-side diff line.
Arguments (see format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with
non-standart values):
Argument Value
@@@ Empty string
@.@ Number of document on the right site of the separator
@-@ Index of the current line (Note that index is not current
line number)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-VertSplit highlight group
foldstart format-spec-key-foldstartLINK
String, describes start of each possible fold. Used only if
format-o-AllFolds is true. Arguments (see format-spec-description)
(listed only arguments with non-standart values):
Argument Value
@@@ Value returned by foldtextresult() concatenated with
fold, sign and column number contents
@.@ Fold level
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Folded highlight group
linestart format-spec-key-linestartLINK
String, describes each start of line. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ 0 for regular lines,
1 for folded lines,
2 for difffiller,
3 for collapsedfiller,
4 for trailing ~ filler lines
@.@ 0 (zero)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Normal highlight group,
possibly joined with sign linehl group, hl-CursorLine
and/or hl-DiffAdd/hl-DiffChange. For folded lines
specification changes to hl-Folded highlight group, for
difffiller and collapsedfiller lines specification changes
to hl-DiffDelete highlight group.
foldcolumn format-spec-key-foldcolumnLINK
String, describes foldcolumn at the start of each line. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ String that is supposed to be displayed in the real
@.@ Folding level
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-FoldColumn highlight group
sign format-spec-key-signLINK
String, describes sign at the start of each line. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ String that is supposed to be displayed in the real
sign column or path to the icon
@.@ 0 if no sign is placed on this line,
1 for text sign,
2 for icon sign
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-SignColumn highlight group
or whatever is defined in texthl property of the current
sign (see :sign-define).
linenr format-spec-key-linenrLINK
String, describes line number at the start of each line without folds.
Arguments (see format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with
non-standart values):
Argument Value
@@@ Same as @-@ for normal lines or an empty string for
difffillers and collapsedfillers
@.@ 0 (zero)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-LineNr highlight group,
from both hl-Normal and hl-CursorLine highlight groups
if 'cursorline' is true and format-o-IgnoreCursor is
false or from hl-Folded highlight group for folded text
String, describes the start of each tag. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ Tag name.
@{stspec}@ Undefined (it may be anything)
line format-spec-key-lineLINK
String, describes each differently highlighted group of characters.
Arguments take only standart values (see format-spec-description).
Note that this the only required key.
concealedstart format-spec-key-concealedstartLINK
String, describes the start of concealed character. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ :syn-cchar.
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Concealed highlight group
concealedend format-spec-key-concealedendLINK
String, describes the end of concealed character. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ :syn-cchar.
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Concealed highlight group
tagend format-spec-key-tagendLINK
String, describes the end of each tag. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ Tag name.
@{stspec}@ Undefined (it may be anything)
fold format-spec-key-foldLINK
String, describes each fold. Arguments (see format-spec-description)
(listed only arguments with non-standart values):
Argument Value
@@@ Value returned by foldtextresult()
@.@ 0 (zero)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Folded highlight group
difffiller format-spec-key-difffillerLINK
String, describes difffiller. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ @_difffillchar@
@.@ (Total number of filler lines)-(Number of filler lines
already created)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-DiffDelete highlight group
collapsedfiller format-spec-key-collapsedfillerLINK
String, describes collapsed filler. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ Number of deleted lines
@.@ 0 (zero)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-DiffDelete highlight group
lineend format-spec-key-lineendLINK
String, describes each line end. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ 0 for regular lines,
1 for folded lines
2 for difffiller,
3 for collapsedfiller
4 for trailing ~ filler lines
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Normal highlight group,
possibly joined with sign linehl group, hl-CursorLine
and/or hl-DiffAdd/hl-DiffChange. For folded lines
specification changes to hl-Folded highlight group, for
difffiller and collapsedfiller lines specification changes
to hl-DiffDelete highlight group.
foldend format-spec-key-foldendLINK
String, describes end of each possible fold. Used only if
format-o-AllFolds is true. Arguments (see format-spec-description)
(listed only arguments with non-standart values):
Argument Value
@@@ Value returned by foldtextresult() concatenated with
fold, sign and column number contents
@.@ Fold level
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Folded highlight group
sbsdend format-spec-key-sbsdendLINK
String, describes the end of side-by-side diff line. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ Empty string
@.@ Number of documents formatted
@-@ Index of the current line (Note that index is not current
line number)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Normal highlight group
end format-spec-key-endLINK
String, describes the end of the document. Arguments (see
format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with non-standart
Argument Value
@@@ Empty string
@.@ 0 (zero)
@-@ Number of last formatted line
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from hl-Normal highlight group
style format-spec-key-styleLINK
String, describes the style of the given highlight group, this style
is appended to @:@. Used only once for each highlight group. Arguments
(see format-spec-description) (listed only arguments with
non-standart values):
Argument Value
@@@ Style id
@.@ 0 (zero)
@-@ 0 (zero)
@{stspec}@ Specification derived from current style
strescape format-spec-key-strescapeLINK
String, specifies expression that should be used to obtain escaped
string for current format. In expression `@@@' should represent
escaped value. Should not depend on anything except
format-spec-@_key@, format-spec-@__key@ or format-spec-@___key@
and format-spec-@@@.
strlen format-spec-key-strlenLINK
Function reference, specifies the function that counts length of line
for "%_" and "%-" formats and "@=@" argument. Can be accessed inside
%=...=% via @_strlen@. Default: strdisplaywidth().
tagproc format-spec-tagprocLINK
Function reference. If present this function will be called for every
tag found with two arguments: options dictionary (see
format-spec-@_key@, format-spec-@__key@ and format-spec-@___key@
for a list of keys you may find in this dictionary) and the tag
dictionary. Tag dictionary contains all keys found in taglist()
output and additionally the following keys: format-tag-keysLINK
Key Description
_incurf Boolean, true if tag is located in the current file.
Note: will be false if tag is located in the current file,
but outside of the formatted region.
_found Boolean, true if tag is referenced at least once in the
current file.
_tfname String, filename relative to the current working directory.
_linenr Number, number of line that contains tag definition.
This function may add some keys to tags dictionary in order to speed
up tags processing.
Note: all keys that do not start with the underscore are reserved for
taglist(), all keys that start with one underscore are
reserved for formatvim. Use keys that start with two
nolf format-spec-key-nolfLINK
Bool. Normally, new item in list returned by format-func-format
starts after each lineend, difffiller, collapsedfiller, fold,
foldstart and foldend, but if this option is present and not zero then
all items are joined and the list of one item is returned. Makes the
script halt for some time at 100% progress (~30s on 1 MiB file), so be
patient. Default: 0.
haslf format-spec-haslfLINK
Bool. Causes script to additionaly split each item in list returned by
format-func-format on "\n" character. It is the only way to include
line breaks inside format items. This option is applied after nolf, so
set both nolf and haslf to 1 if you want to have line breaks defined
only by your format specification. Default: 0.
addopts format-spec-addoptsLINK
Dictionary. All keys from this dictionary are copied (deepcopy())
and accessible as format-spec-@__key@. Only keys containing latin
letters, digits and underscores are allowed. Keys must not start with
addoptsfun format-spec-addoptsfunLINK
Function that returns dictionary. All keys from this dictionary are
copied (deepcopy()) and accessible as format-spec-@___key@. Only
keys containing latin letters, digits and underscores are allowed.
Keys must not start with underscores.
This function is called each time format is used. Before it is called
keys defined in previous run are wiped out.
state format-spec-stateLINK
sbsdstate format-spec-sbsdstateLINK
Dictionary that contains mutable state and Dictionary-functions that
manipulate it, receiving this dictionary as self variable.
Difference between state and sbsdstate keys is that the former is
regererated (deepcopy()) before each next processed buffer and the
latter is regenerated once per :Format call.
If these dictionaries contain `init' key then it will be called with
a single opts (see format-spec-@_key@) dictionary as an argument
once after each regeneration. It will as well receive newly generated
dictionary as self variable.
See also format-spec-@!key@: this is how you should use it.
Note that after each lineend, foldstart and foldend a newline will be added
unless nolf option is present: using "{range}FormatCommand format
{formatName}" is equivalent to:
let Format=LoadFuncdict().getfunctions("format").format
let lines=call(Format, [{formatName}, {rangeStart}, {rangeEnd}], {})
new ++enc=utf-8
call setline(1, lines)
4.2. String descriptions format-spec-descriptionLINK
Most specification keys use the following format to describe what plugin
should actually have in the returned value. It uses %C to describe some common
strings and format-spec-expression to describe more complex structures. Here
are the characters that are used in the %C expression. All characters not
listed here are reserved and throw an error.
%%, %@ format-spec-%% format-spec-%@LINK
Percent sign and `at' symbol.
%f, %b format-spec-%f format-spec-%bLINK
Foreground and background colors (string with format "#RRGGBB"), same
as @fgcolor@ and @bgcolor@ inside %=...=%.
%S format-spec-%SLINK
Style id ("N", "N_N", "N_N_N", …: numbers are added for signs, diff
highlighting, 'cursorline' highlighting and so on), same as
%=@styleid@=%. See also format-o-UseStyleNames.
%N format-spec-%NLINK
Current line number, same as %=@-@=%.
%C format-spec-%CLINK
Column number of the end of string, same as %=@.@=%.
%s format-spec-%sLINK
String being formatted. Escaped using format-spec-key-strescape.
%: format-spec-%:LINK
All styles in format-spec-key-begin and format-spec-key-end,
current style only in other specification keys, same as
%# format-spec-%#LINK
Either line number padded to the right with @_leadingspace@ (for
normal lines) or a sequence of @_leadingspace@s (for difffiller and
collapsedfiller lines) if @_donr@ is true or an empty string
%_ format-spec-%_LINK
@_leadingspace@ repeated @_linenumlen@ times if @_donr@ is true or an
empty string otherwise.
%<SPACE> format-spec-%SPACELINK
A single @_leadingspace@. Just the same as %=@_leadingspace@=%, but
computed only once.
%+ format-spec-%+LINK
@_leadingspace@ repeated enough times for the line length to be less
or equal to @_columns@ (`less' case can appear only if length of
@_leadingspace@, computed by format-spec-key-strlen, is greater
then 1).
%^ format-spec-%^LINK
A single @_leadingspace@ if @_donr@ is true or an empty string
otherwise. Just the same as %=((@_donr@)?(@_leadingspace@):(''))=%,
but computed only once.
%- format-spec-%-LINK
@_difffillchar@ repeated enough times for the line length to be less
or equal to @_columns@ (`less' case can appear only if length of
@_difffillchar@, computed by format-spec-key-strlen, is greater
then 1).
%~ format-spec-%~LINK
A single @_difffillchar@. Just the same as %=@_difffillchar@=%.
%.- format-spec-%.-LINK
@_foldfillchar@ repeated enough times for the line length to be less
or equal to @_columns@ (`less' case can appear only if length of
@_foldfillchar@, computed by format-spec-key-strlen, is greater
then 1).
%.~ format-spec-%.~LINK
A single @_foldfillchar@. Just the same as %=@_foldfillchar@=%.
%| format-spec-%|
A single @_vertseparator@. Just the same as %=@_vertseparator@=%.
4.2.1. Expressions in string description format-spec-%=LINK
format-spec-%' format-spec-%>LINK
Inside string descriptions can be used complex expressions:
"%={expression}=%", "%'{expression}'%" and "%>{expression}". In the first form
all '%' and '\' characters need to be escaped, in the second form you must not
allow the string "'%" to appear inside expression, and the third form just
grabs the whole string after "%>".
There is also a special form of expression, valid only at the start of the
string: "%!{commands}!%", where {commands} is a newline-separated list of
commands. It can be used to declare variables. Note that you must omit having
"!%" inside {commands} string.
Inside the expressions you can use the following sequences (use them in place
of ordinary variables):
@@@ format-spec-@@@LINK
String being formatted.
@-@ format-spec-@-@LINK
Current line number.
@.@ format-spec-@.@LINK
Column number of the end of the string.
@:@ format-spec-@:@LINK
String with all styles in format-spec-key-begin and
format-spec-key-end, string with current style in other
specification keys.
@=@ format-spec-@=@LINK
Length of the string of the current line before expression. You must
split format with @$@ at the very top level of expr before using it to
get valid values. Example:
Some text<span class="Filler">%''@$@repeat(@_foldfillchar@),@_columns@-@=@)''%</span>
You do not have to use it if your filler is not followed by any text.
@{stspec}@ format-spec-@key@LINK
Value of the style specification. Possible {stspec}s:
{stspec} Value
styleid ID of the current highlight group. For normal lines it is
a single number, for lines with differencies it is equal to
{hlID}_{diffhighID}. Signs and 'cursorline' may add
additional _{hlID} group.
name Like above, but uses names in place of numbers.
fgcolor Foreground color transformed to "#RRGGBB" notation.
bgcolor Background color transformed to "#RRGGBB" notation.
bold Bold syntax attribute.
italic Italic syntax attribute.
inverse Inverse syntax attribute.
underline Underline syntax attribute.
@~@ format-spec-@~@LINK
Dictionary with style specification. For a list of its keys, see
@S@ format-spec-@S@LINK
Same as format-spec-%S.
@_{option}@ format-spec-@_key@LINK
Value of the specified option. Possible {option}s:
{option} Value
leadingspace Space escaped using format-spec-key-strescape
fillchars Dictionary containing values from 'fillchars' options.
Not escaped.
difffillchar Value of the diff item in 'fillchars' option if it is
present, "-" otherwise. Escaped.
foldfillchar Value of the fold item in 'fillchars' option if it is
present, "-" otherwise. Escaped.
vertseparator Value of the vert item in 'fillchars' option if it is
present, "|" otherwise. Escaped.
columns Actual number of columns that will be used for the
formats like `%-'.
fgcolor Foreground color of "Normal" highlight group. If this
color is an empty string then it is either "#000000" or
"#ffffff" depending on 'background' option.
bgcolor Background color of "Normal" highlight group. If this
color is an empty string then it is either "#000000" or
"#ffffff" depending on 'background' option.
linenumlen Length of the number of the last line.
ignorefolds 1 if folds are ignored, 0 otherwise.
donr 1 if lines will be numbered normally, 0 otherwise.
dornr 1 if lines will be numbered relatively, 0 otherwise.
allfolds 1 if AllFolds is on, 0 otherwise
foldcolumn 0 if foldcolumn is not formatted, width of foldcolumn in
characters otherwise
ignorecursor 0 if IgnoreCursor is off and either 'cursorcolumn' is
set or cursor is within formatted line range,
1 otherwise.
sbsd 0 if side-by-side diff is not being generated, 1 if
begin, end and sbsd* format specification keys are being
processed, 1+N, where N>0 if N'th document is being
formatconcealed 0 if concealed text is ignored, 1 or 2 otherwise, see
formatmatches, formatsearch, formatsomematch
0 if related match will not be formatted, 1 if they are.
See also format-o-FormatMatches.
domatches 0 if matches are not formatted or no matches were found,
1 otherwise.
formatspell 0 if spell checking results are ignored, 1 otherwise.
See also format-o-IgnoreSpell.
dospell 0 if spell checking results are not formatted or no bad
words were found, 1 otherwise.
tags Dictionary where keys are tag names and values are lists
of pairs [{tag-location}, {tag-options}] where each tag
location is either a line number (if tag is located in
the current file) or a pair [{filename}, {line-number}].
Is empty if tags are ignored. See taglist() for
description of {tag-options}.
curtags Dictionary where keys are line numbers and values are
lists of {tag-options} (see taglist()). Only tags from
current file are present in this dictionary.
cline Number of line under the cursor.
docline 0 if 'cursorline' option is false or ignored,
1 otherwise, see format-o-IgnoreCursor
dosigns 0 if signs are not present or ignored, 1 otherwise.
See format-o-IgnoreSigns.
dodiff 1 if diffs will be formatted, 0 otherwise.
See format-o-IgnoreDiff.
usestylenames Equal to value of format-o-UseStyleNames.
signdefinitions Dictionary where keys are sign names and values are
dictionaries {{sign-description}: {value}} (with
additional key `id' containing sign name), see
placedsigns Dictionary where keys are line numbers and values are
2-tuples (id, sign-definition).
@__key@ format-spec-@__key@LINK
Value of the specified key defined in format-spec-addopts (well,
deepcopy() of it).
@___key@ format-spec-@___key@LINK
Value of the specified key defined in format-spec-addoptsfun (well,
deepcopy() of it).
@!key@ format-spec-@!key@LINK
@!!key@ format-spec-@!!key@LINK
Value of the specified key defined in format-spec-state (first) or
format-spec-sbsdstate (second).
@<@{expr}@>@ format-spec-@<@ format-spec-@>@LINK
Evaluate {expr}, perform @…@ substitutions on the result of the
evaluation and replace the whole @<@…@>@ with the last result. Useful
for optimizations. You can use format-spec-@_key@ and
format-spec-@__key@ in {expr}. No nesting allowed.
Note that these expressions are replaced in arbitrary order, so you need to
avoid such ambigious constructions as @_columns@-@=@. Use spaces or brackets
5. List of built-in format specifications format-formatsLINK
html format-format-htmlLINK
Specification for html format. Supports numbered lines, currently
closed folds, tags, AllFolds option. Uses CSS styles; CSS :hover and
JavaScript for AllFolds.
See also format-options-html.
html-vimwiki format-format-html-vimwikiLINK
Specification for html format that can be pasted to
without any modifications. Supports numbered lines, currently closed
folds. Uses CSS in `style' attribute of <div> and <span> tags.
bbcode-unixforum format-format-bbcode-unixforumLINK
Specification for BBcode used on Supports numbered
lines. Does not support background color, because changing background
is not available on this forum.
latex-xcolor format-format-latex-xcolorLINK
Experimental support for dumping to LaTeX format. Uses xcolor and
ttfamily fonts.
csi format-format-csiLINK
Uses terminal escape sequences to describe color information.
See also format-o-ColorFile.
vimorg-tagged format-vimorg-taggedLINK
Does not emit any highlighting, its sole purpose is formatting
description setting for like this:
This is the example description. Features:
- Example description contains link to an option: 'list' [1]
- Example description contains link to a command: :TOhtml [2]
[2] (:TOhtml)
See also format-options-vo-tagged.
tokens format-format-tokensLINK
Format useful only if you want to export color information in order to
process it outside of vim:
Format format tokens to tokens.dat
" Somewhere outside there should be a similar construct
let tokenlist=map(readfile('tokens.dat', 'b'), 'eval(v:val)')
Variable `tokenlist' in the above example will contain a list of lists
where each list has the following structure:
[{type}, {data1}, ..., {dataN}]
Here is a list of possible {type}'s and corresponding datas:
Type Description and datas
b Beginning of the document, appears only once as a first
token. Datas: style specification dictionary, filename,
buffer number.
e End of the document, appears only once as a last token.
Datas: style specification dictionary, @_tags@ dictionary.
ss Side-by-side diff line. Datas: vertseparator followed
by `l*' tokens from diffed buffers.
fs Fold start. Datas: style specification dictionary,
fold text and fold level.
fe Fold end. Datas are the same as for `fs' token.
lf Folded line. Datas are the same as for `lr' token.
ld Diff filler line. Datas are the same as for `lr' token.
lc Collapsed filler line. Datas are the same as for `lr'
lr Regular line. Datas: line style specification dictionary
and list of inline tokens.
Inline tokens (`style' means `style specification dictionary'):
Type Description and datas
sc Sign column. Datas: shown text or path to the icon, style,
0, 1 or 2.
fc Fold column. Datas: fold column text and style.
cl Style of cursor line. Datas: style.
ln Line number. Datas: line number and style.
ts Tag start. Datas: tag name.
cs Concealed character start. Datas: shown text, style.
ce Concealed character end. Datas: shown text, style.
te Tag end. Datas: tag name.
l Regular text. Datas: text, its style.
c Concealed text. Datas: shown text, its style, concealed
text, its style.
f Folded text. Datas: shown text, its style.
df Diff filler line. Datas: empty string, style of filler
cf Collapsed filler line. Datas: number of deleted lines,
style of filler line.
vim: ft=help:tw=78:ts=8